Industrial hemp is the earths number one resource. Industrial hemp is an environmentally friendly plant. Industrial hemp only takes ninety days to grow to full maturity. Industrial hemp has sixty thousand different uses. Industrial hemp can be used for building materials, clothing, fuel, food, paper, vehicle manufacturing, bio-degradable environmentally friendly plastic, animal fodder and medicine, among thousands of other products. Industrial hemp stops deforestation of the soil. The cultivation of industrial hemp would give all of us lives of abundance. Because industrial hemp is so versatile it posed a threat to the profits and monopolies of large corporations such as giant oil, steel, paper and fossil fuels to such an extent that they launched a smear campaign against it and eventually had it banned throughout large parts of the world. They had industrial hemp banned on the grounds that it is a close relative to marijuana. However, no matter how much industrial hemp you smoked it could never drug you or make you high. Industrial hemp is genetically distinct from marijuana. The banning of the cultivation of industrial hemp is an example of deliberately engineered scarcity by members of the self-proclaimed elite. However it is not the only example. Nearly all famines are caused by deliberately engineered scarcity. If the self-proclaimed elite wish to reduce a population they will first make access to certain common food products scarce and then they will delibeerately introduce a virulent strain of virus into that area in order to reduce the population of that area over time. This saves them a lot of money on armies and ammunition. The great Irish famine of the eighteen forties was deliberately engineered by this manner.