My name is Gretta Fahey also known as Margaret Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. This morning at approximately 14 minutes ro seven AM Irish Time on 6th April, 2021, a voice was heard by me coming from inside my own head to say the following 'Destabilizing the Country''. My response to tha individual who transmitted that voice inside my head by technological means is as follows :-
What is your legal name and what is your current location and what is your legal address and what is your occupation and why are you accusing me of destabilizing my country The Republic of Ireland and further to that why would you wish that the people of this country remain stable and happily apathetic while they are being slowly and incrementally technologically enslaved by means of covertly connecting our brains and bodies to the internet of living things which is also known as the internet of bodies for the purposes of total technological enslavement. Still further to that, why are you transmitting your voice or else a simulation of your voice inside my head against my will and without my permission because by doing so your are committing a criminal and illegal act.
For further information on how I have become technologically enslaved which is also known as being virtually enslaved please watch the more than one hundred videos which I have made and placed on the video platform over the past number of years under the bitchute channel name of Gretta Fahey.-
“When the Internet of Things (IoT) connects with your body, the result is the Internet of Bodies (IoB) which is also known as the internet of living things. The Internet of Bodies (IoB) is an extension of the IoT and basically connects the human body to a network through devices that are ingested, implanted, or connected to the body in some way. Once connected, data can be exchanged, and the body and device can be remotely monitored and controlled.
Embedded technology is where technology and the human body are melded together and have a real-time connection to a remote machine.” I have been connected to the internet of bodies against my will and without my permission and because of this I am now a slave.
The Covid-19 vaccines are all untested and experimental. They have not been approved by any agency.
Corporations have offered untested vaccines to governments. They exploit fear in government staff in order to sell the untested vaccines to said governments for massive profits. Technologically induced mind control programming is being used on those self same government staff in order to manipulate them to purchase said untested vaccines.
It is contra to the Nuremberg Code to force someone to take an experimental treatment but many of those who attempt to raise awareness of the fact the the covid-19 vaccines are untested and experimental gets silenced.
Covid-19 vaccines will more than likely be withdrawn from public supply within six months due to mounting adverse reactions. If you accept the Pfizer vaccine , parts of it replicate inside your body. You can not take it out or switch it off. It will alter you genetically and those genetic alterations will be passed on to all of your future generations forever.
Further to that, the PCR test which is being used to test for covid-19 is faulty. Therefore the covid-19 pandemic is a hoax. People have been dying from a number of other reasons, possibly due to electromagnetic poisoning due to the switch on of 5G millimeter wave in some cases. Further to that, deaths due to many other causes are being reclassified as covid-19 deaths, possibly due to both public pressure and financial incentives for doing so.
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8Catherine Quinn, Leandro De Sousa Freitas and 6 others