Diary Entry

September 9, 2010

Thermal heating of brain/ head with face dripping wet & hair hot to the touch – for the purpose of letting me know they are fully focused on the
destruction of my God-given beautiful youthful face. The heating is not evenly distributed throughout my body. During
the night last, I had Jeremy's steel
helmet covering the crown of my head which was very hot to the touch. The helmet is ineffective as a shielding device but allows me
to deceive myself into thinking it is doing some good when there is
no defense whatsoever that I've been able to employ against the savage – ruthless – destructive targeting with
electronic weapons heating my body to a fever pitch each and every
day and night and targeting specific organs of my body exposing me to
all kinds of electromagnetic cancer-causing radiation emitted by these weapons .Stomach was targeted throughout the night – and last night about 5:00 AM they started in on my (L) side just up under the rib cage as though someone was stabbing - jabbing me in the side and later moved down and around my back side encompassing the colon with forced defecation and forced urination. Throughout
the night my body is squeezed like a sponge to get every last drop of urine out of me

I don't sleep because they don't let me, and this has gone on for months and months and months on end. It is inconceivable - so far from possible- that I could still be on my feet and, therefore, some kind of explanation is called for. Could they be feeding me strengthening agents devised by SRI Neuroscience sleep expert, Dr. Thomas Kilduff, in one of SRI's 150 Menlo Park, CA laboratories where they devise drugs, vaccines, and therapies of all types http://www.sri.com/news/releases/1-25-99.html or have I been turned into a cyborg requiring zero sleep and still functional? Nothing is beyond the scope and realm of possibilities when it comes to this Department of Defense top intelligence contractor with laboratories not only in this country but in Japan, Greenland, and the United Arab Emirates as well.

I will not stop writing about the sick twisted little men at the STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE INT'L in Menlo Park, CA who put me under house arrest in 2001 to torture and also use for R e s e a r c h and Development as a test subject and
human guinea pig in unethical risky black budget medical – scientific e x p e r I m e n t I o n, research and development.
WHY? Because they're interested in making money and do it the same way the common criminal holds up a liquor store. It gives them a high. They are also interested in nano-bio-info-cogno converging technologies - human enhancement and augmentation - autonomous robots - cyborgs . Why: Because they figured they could get away with it and the feeling of POWER / CONTROL is what losers live for and that's hard to come by despite strutting around in an Armani look good. I'm willing to bet this group cannot quite capture the audience of attractive women unless they pick up a whore on some street corner in town and pay them handsomely. They like the sound of the whip as it snaps. And, because they assumed after all these years, there is no one in the entire government who has the balls to shut down their criminal activity. At least up until now - Two-bit sharply-dressed criminals who hide in the shadows getting away with murder and mayhem. My mind is raped and my body pillaged by dirt bags who strut around their respective communities walking the walk and talking the talk like pretty boys in loafers with tassels and an Armani look good right down to the underwear. Billion dollar corporate – industrial global pretty boys -businessmen who have sworn alligence to the NAZI oath and cracking the whip to keep the handler's on their toes. You ugly sob, you made an error in judgment when you had the balls to target this victim and many more just like me are all of a sudden coming to life and unless you do something real soon to end this travesty of organized vigilante stalking - military-grade electronic weapons harassment and torture - you're going to lose your livelihood.

During the night last they lipo-suctioned my (L) thigh above the knee and on up apprx. 10'' inches on the inside portion of leg leaving the area
soft and uneven- looking
. Possibly, it is attributable to newly
implanted nano devices making up a kind of
nano-technological network or system that runs throughout my body.

The same lipo-suctioning was done to my ( R) upper inside thigh leaving the same outward evidence behind of a soft, loose, flabby out of shape appearance where the skin no longer tightly stretches over a well-defined portion of the thigh –
rather, what I described aforementioned. The same appearance is
evident down the back portion of (L) calf extending from behind knee and down several inches as though wiring were running down the leg pulling it in such as one would notice on a quiet calm pool of water with an underlying visible current running through it or a calm still stretch of water where a firefly or bug of some sort has left its trail.

Next week I will talk about what they have done to my face since the handlers announced some months ago: “Little
by little, we will break you!”

These courageous men are George Bush's American heros hiding out in the shadows collecting a pay check to beat up defenseless
women, children and men.

these sissies are given permission to do so under the UnAmerican
Patriot Act. Tomorrow is September 11

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