Diary Entry - August 16, 2010

The artificial electronic V2K of engines roaring and military aircraft whizzing by just above my head as old worn out scare tactics. I didn’t look up but likely would have seen another holographic projection of a Lockheed U-2 Dragon Lady CIA aircraft.

As far as brutal attacks and cruelty goes, they've upped the ante once more and are on the war path this morning which means they don't like the negative publicity and exposure I'm giving Stanford Research Institute and Lockheed-Martin as the lead criminals involved in this Department of Defense Project that has my name on it or number or coded affixed thereto for purposes of anonymity.  It means I am doing something right by keeping the pressure on and naming names.  Senator Sanders has agreed to sign a law into effect but not one that amounts to anything.  Unless I can specify and include  "space-based weapons" any other wording is worthless and amounts to nothing.  Both Senator John Glenn's and Dennis Kucinich's  had their proposed  EXCELLENT legislation shot down by the criminals within the system who want to maintain the status quo and won't permit an effective law put on the books.  As far as putting together a well-worded  piece of legislation - unfortunately they won't allow it because it would mean the indictment of high-level officials, and they can't have that.  Anything less, doesn't address the problem.

Vigilante organized gang stalking is ongoing.  I sent photos to local FBI. Possibly they will be interested in adding some names to the list of criminals roaming the streets stalking single women and young girls but since the FBI is in the business of covering up these crimes, it isn't likely.  Same goes for the DOJ - the name of the game is to cover up crimes against humanity.  

Silencing me is now the goal, and I'm sure they're likely thinking of how they will dispose of me and get away with it.  All that human experimentation going to waste. What they need to do is think a little harder who they're targeting the next time they take a victim into custody for human experimentation, research and development, and corporate GREED.

The medical - pharmaceutical industry has built a vast empire that keeps on growing using these weapons and they have no plans to STOP.  STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE aka SRI International is part and parcel of that industry...  big shots who hide in the shadows in remote locations and after hours get together with Raytheon comrades - sit back with their martini's in their Armani sweater and slacks and loafers with tassels viewing their victims in real time and gloating over being able to pull it off all the while home free and clear believing it can never be traced back to them. 

One day - one day soon the day is coming when they will answer to God for these crimes against humanity.  

Went to breakfast and the same faithful laser that has me in its path everywhere I go, each and every second of each and every day, this morning took coffee from the cup out of which I was drinking and
deliberately deposited drops on a nice new pair of slacks I’m
wearing today... trying to get me upset knowing I like
nice things and to downgrade my neat appearance. As I
write this memo ,an operator sits at the display screen moving an Illuminati
pen to point of influence at back of my head - moving it around.
My head feels as though someone has a tight grip on it; thermal heating of brain has me in a wet sweat and the juncture where hips and upper legs join they have hooked up so that I can barely be on my feet and walk this morning.  VERY LOUD AMPLIFICATION OF ARTIFICIAL ELECTRONIC NOISE RESONATING THROUGHOUT HEAD - buzzing, clicking, ringing.  Today they are angry and even more perverted and sick than usual, if that's possible. Seems to me they may be going in for the kill. My insides -  organs, such as stomach, feel as though they are heaving or as though being kneaded like dough.

I need someone to please print copies of a few of my blogs to be sure that my son gets to see them if something happens. They will see to it that my blogs on peacepink are deleted just as my
facebook page has only (3) friends because they’ve shredded  friend requests to make certain no one gets to view what I’ve written and have also RESTRICTED VIEWING to anyone but friends so obviously no one gets to see what I've posted... so desperately afraid of being found out and such cowards - the only thing they know how to do is inflict pain and torture innocent American citizens.

emails are intercepted as are phone calls.

Lying in bed awake the entire night – e v e r y night x 6 months. Today is the fist time I'‘ve experienced feeling tired.  Obviously, they are delivering a strengthening agent to keep me on my feet. Maybe it’s beginning to take it's toll. What could be going on? Why have I required zero sleep for such an extended period of time? How could I still on my feet?  I t is not possible.
And, what effect could this be having on my overall health and wellbeing.

For me to still be on my feet, they would have to have been shooting me up with strengthening agents. Has Stanford Research Institute’s Center for Neuroscience top expert in this field of sleep research come up with something to be used on the battlefield for sleep-deprived soldiers and the formula or technique is being practiced on me to research long-term psychological / physiological bioeffects – another area of biomedical research SRI has engaged in and using me as a Human Guinea Pig? http://www.sri.com/news/releases/012110.html

Or, might the Futurists at Stanford Research Institute
with their preoccupation into AI, cyborgs, robots, hybrids, clones,
cybernetic doubles have taken some of my God-given organic parts
and natural structures and replaced them with artificial bits
and pieces? How much of me could survive death at this point? I was
told awhile back that I didn’t have to worry about dying. More
recently, I was told last week in a dream they projected into my head
that they would take my face and use the same laser weapon they used
to slash open my finger so there would be nothing left of my face.
They would make me faceless.

What kind of human experimentation did SRI have planned out for me back when this began?

The operator has even taken to cutting up my bed sheets. I call that desperation.

Back in 2005, the U C Berkeley grad student who
approached me with his camera taking my photo and telling me “You
sure don’t scare easy... I could never do what you're doing.”
and shook his head and shoulders as
though he was creeped out. And, the group of young Naval or Coast
Guard Cadets (not sure which) who showed up that same date and time

to come and see who I was – they appeared frightened the way they looked at me.

Not for themselves – obviously for me; they were sweet kids. And,
all the men who wanted a look at me, some of them remaining in their
cars, others in loafers with tassels and business attire showing up
to do a quick assessment and to give a thumbs up or down.

When I lost the house I was renting, it was SRI personnel who found me an
apartment to rent before moving back to Vermont.

Questions like: Did you work for the government?” from
various men I was meeting who just happened to be connected to:
Stanford Research Institute International.

When votes were counted, they probably checked into a swanky hotel in
London, Stockholm or the Hotel Elite in Zurich where they celebrated
getting their big dream fantasy project underway... they probably set
up a couple free rounds of drinks for everyone on the house.
Unfortunately, I was at the time too spooked to ask questions.

The person I was could never in a million years have imagined anything coming close to what is taking place in this country at this time.. I likely might also have told someone approaching me with this stuff that they needed to have a mental health evaluation – which is why we must work harder to get the word out on these evil little stubs of men in
government-contracted global corporations and industries such as
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA and Lockheed-Martin who are giants and wrapped up in every aspect of this neuroscientific
brain-computer interface and modeling.
We must expose these top contractors linked to the Pentagon. Take
these pretty boys and cut em down to size where they belong. I recently saw where Lockheed-Martin is now undertaking a joint venture with Raytheon – haven’t read it yet but can imagine the kind of nightmare these two are capable of collaborating on... another venture straight from hell to unleash on the American people.

I hope I turn out to be their worst nightmare. They murdered the other target,Kay Barnes , a year ago last July here in Burlington, VT and they are going to have to do the same thing to me to shut me up. And, if they do, there are a lot of people who know about these covert stealth weapons that target innocent American civilians, making them sick and causing them to come down with all sorts of ailments. Everywhere I turn, I see men and women walking with a limp or other crippling type of thing going on where they cannot walk properly or they have a bad knee or their shoulder gets out of whack– crippling is one of the things they like best to do with this technology that could be saving lives and doing so many wonderful things for mankind. But those of the power “elite” would prefer to fuck people up - people who have no idea that it was artificially electronically induced; gets them into the medical system for treatment and pharmaceuticals, and makes money to line their pockets.

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