timing to the exact moment I open my eyes is the sensation of much pressure being applied to my bladder to force me to the bathroom when in actuality there isn’t much to pee because I’ve been kept up all night with the same routine; but regardless, they stick by anyhow – this is accompanied by pressure applied to colon to force defecation even if they’ve done the same thing three times since going to bed last evening. I have the idea it is to wipe the colon clean of healthy bacteria so that I'm more prone to disease –in addition to the harassment. It is the sensation of waste products literally being 'shoved' out of me, and on this particular day they
thoroughly dehydrated me during the night with the intention of creating rock-like bowels designed for pain and discomfort as they bore down hard on my colon with the Pulsed Energy Projectile Weapon I suppose. If you’re reading this and find what I’m saying objectionable, I apologize but don’t see it that way. I couldn’t be the only victim of this type sick behavior – not likely it originated with the genius who has me to handle, and it’s too nasty to be overlooked by the rest of those wretched people. They will not shut me up before I divulge to the world the sick twisted pattern of behavior these flunkies engage in without a good fight. However, I leave judgment of the bunch of them to God. I'm not going to ruin my day.
I wonder how many Americans know about the Stanford Research Institute, intelligence contractor to the Pentagon. It is a landmark Institute that few Americans are aware of to be able to know the danger that lurks inside those walls – some people might believe it should be burned to the ground with its machinery and all the evil men who work the machinery incinerated for the betterment of mankind. Evil that lurks in the hearts of man some believe is housed at Menlo Park and the Silicon Valley where mechanical/ electronic applications for human biosystems and the enhancement of humanity, et cetera are being manufactured. There is a map which outlines the SRI's intentions and exploitations and your fingers need only do the
walking to a site on the internet entitled: psy-war bio-war sri.
AND THE C STREET GROUP known for idolizing dictators around the world
and so much more.
fostered strong ties with businessmen (corporate America) in the oil
and aerospace industries (LOCKEED MARTIN).. THE FAMILY maintains a
closely guarded database of its associates, but it issues no cards,
collects no official dues. Member are asked not to speak about the
group or its activities
E SYSTEMS is a subsidiary of RAYTHEON and the list goes on with other corporate
empires making millions or billions of dollars developing weapons of
war to be used on Americans in the event of civil unrest as well as
for world conquest or domination. RAYTHEON is linked to the country’s
FUTURISTS with their plans and designs of what is destined perhaps to
be the look of the future for mankind. MACHINERY- ENHANCEMENT AND
For a year and a half now I've been targeted with RAYTHEON's Active Denial System - a weapon of war that penetrates 1/64th of an inch skin depth and when used as it has been on this targeted individual, it does much more than that. The manufacturers of this weapon, through covert criminal experimentation on American citizens are aware that the weapon depletes the layer of collagen (fat) which lies beneath the skin's surface whereby rapidly accelerating the aging process – the manufacturers are directly responsible for aging me the equivalent of 10 – 15 years in the course of a single year and that it has been a deliberate and intentional attack most visible on my FACE, HANDS and ARMS – I was told I looked too good and they intended to do something about it. And, THEY HAVE... There is an entire system of nano devices woven throughout my face for the express purpose of implementing its destruction as they have done to many who are women victimized by these weapons. I have been under constant assault for the purpose of destroying my beauty. I intend to blog how it is they are able to do this with psychotronic technology; to reconfigure a woman's face and to do
just about anything with this amazing technology that could instead be used to accomplish good things. The thermal weapon targeting me can also be reversed immediately after heating to give the feeling of being in a deep freeze – perhaps to mimic the ice that runs through their veins. The deep freeze is another Stanford Research Institute house specialty where cryonics is practiced. Perhaps in hopes of keeping their gene pool alive or never having to face death?
I 'm going on Face Book where my family and friends can have a peak at what has been done to the life I had. I hope it's not considered the ranting of a delusional mind – they should know better. If they can read it and think they will not eventually be in the line of fire by keeping their heads low – they are mistaken because there is no place to hide anymore.
Let me conclude today’s bathroom scene. I went to kitchen to make coffee; went back to the bathroom; for some reason glanced over at a roll of clean sanitary toilet paper where they had scooped up feces and smeared a glob on the roll of toilet paper. Petty 3rd party contractors HIRED BY THE CIA to humiliate themselves is both astonishing and bewildering. What does that say about the shape this country is in. Taxpayer Dollars - YOUR MONEY is funding this Black Budget CIA Program and keeping it very far underground, classified “top secret” because of the high risk and so the devices and tactics these goons are using don't get found out. Their behavior this morning is identical to what transpired six weeks ago when I was doing some painting in my apartment and the paint was transferred from the project I was working on and smeared
all over various locations around my apartment. During the next week I was to find bright pink paint all over the place… they took the paint and did their own paint job on a bunch of my personal
It showed up on my shower curtain, a new pair of boots that were in the front closet that I took out the next day to wear and made a mess of two blouses hanging in another closet… good blouses that could no longer be worn without bright pink paint stains over the front of them. In addition to this, while I was working on my paint project I had to be ever vigilant as every other minute they saw to it that drops of pink paint went on the rug, etc., and I was constantly racing around with a damp sponge wiping up their messes. Day in and day out these antics go on with no end in sight YET.
The last mention of my early morning routine is that I never know when I get up in the morning what condition my KNEES will be in – if I chance it and move about with agility and the freedom of thinking I still have my normal healthy knees that haven't been tampered with and sit down in a chair with that mind set, I might have the misfortune of finding they decided to hook them up for gross disability and fall to the floor. Then again, my knees may have been released during the night and things are back to normal. OR, I might find that I am walking on the enhanced bionic legs they have built for me w/o my permission or informed consent or any other notification whatsoever before I fell victim to these weapons of war that have me in their wave length via satellite around the clock. I never can be quite sure so must ere on the side of caution and cannot be as free wheeling as my life has always been. The same goes for my ARMS which can either hold up the weight of the world thanks to scientific enhancement; i.e., implants and augments OR be tweaked for gross weakness and disability.
Hedges, Chris. American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.
Free Press, 2006.Sharlet, Jeff. The
The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.
Harper Perennial, 2009.
Thanks for the reminder re bottled water - I do drink a ton of apple cider and it's pretty good cleanser but do need to remember to take the vitamins. Magnesium is another good one and there was this guy who came on a conference call awhile back who special ordered a specific type Magnesium but can't remember what it is. He said it made a HUGE difference in how he felt. Need to find my notes and tonite I'll hunt around. I do know about Jeremy and three weeks ago I was supposed to have been sent the steel pieces for a shielding cap. (4) wks ago he sent me one with not enough steel pieces to do the job, and it was next to impossible to put the thing together besides. Derrick has not been forthcoming about getting the extra pieces off to me - I can't believe his comment to me was that ...he had alot of people to get them out to as though I was the last person on his list - I am truly insulted the way this has gone. I might have to take FFCHS name off my gang stalking poster and ask for my fee to join returned to me. I'm so very broke and cannot afford a surveillance camera - they even broke in and took a $400 pair of prescription sun glasses.... Lynn B. I miss Berkeley!