Diary Entry for Wednesday, January 27, 2010Another day in the life of:10AM loud metallic tingling has begun for today with one major change being that they rewired my head last night while I slept which explains why I was left alone for the 1st time since I can't even remember when- was awakened only twice in the night and each time the back side of my skull hurt and was being worked over... the same area being tweaked before going to sleep and again early this a.m. - their silence was a dead giveaway and immediately suspect as I have not had more than an hour's sleep for many many months on end. Typically, I am bothered all night long with constant trips to the bathroom w/forced urination – one night I counted (6) trips to the toilet until there was nothing left to squeeze out of me. My body is either heated or reverse cooled the entire night every night. This past Saturday night when Derrick's conference Call ended they put their “illumination” pen to point of influence at the display screen, and I could feel them moving it around in my stomach going up into my esophagus and then pharynx with the creation of battery acid from hell. This was repeated for two straight hours along with projectile vomiting – I seldom sleep and for me to still be on my feet is not possible UNLESS strengthening agents of some sort are being delivered my way – it's the only explanation coupled with something else that is happening to me which I'll go into at a future date although soon, because it has to do with the 'personalized' program that has my name written all over it, and I need to talk about it. I don't know about anyone else because I have no contacts and no points of reference (they have completely isolated me) but I do know what is going on with me and the name of the game is “enhancement” as well as torture. I can thank John Norseen of Lockheed's Intelligence Dept. for his “injecting smart thoughts” (and, I'm convinced he's not dead as is rumored on the internet); at this time I will also recognize UC Berkeley's Graduate School working hand in hand with black-budget aerospace industry, Lockheed Martin, as well as the fine gentlemen at Stanford Research Institute who are joined at the hip with the Pentagon and have been for decades. SRI's Nanotechnology capital of the world in the Silicon Valley or Lawrence Berkeley's Molecular Foundry needs also to be credited for the multitude of nanoparticles, structures, robots, el al that make up the body suit I implants I wear. Last but not least, I must not forget to acknowledge the United States Air Force, the Navy and Coast Guard... and, these are the ones I KNOW OF; I'm sure there may be plenty more.As I started to say, they did something to me last night while I slept – something terrible it feels like. It is now 5 p.m., and I'm feeling somewhat better and more like myself but definitely not entirely so. It's my opinion that you can't continue to have someone tamper with your head/mind and expect things to be okay because it doesn't work that way– something is changed. The losers realized that they might not be able to torture me any longer or at least do as good a job of it with the V2K steel cap Derrick sent me for assembly – they were going to make sure their plans weren't interfered with or should I say “silenced” and so what they did while I slept was to rearrange the wiring in my head so that I now can hear the artificial electronic acoustics as coming from my ears and no longer from my skull... you see, the cap does not go down and cover my ears and this is how they figured they could continue to work me over uninterrupted..This morning I was bombarded with tick, tick, ticking in both ears and other loud artificial electronic noise.. Points at the top and back of skull seemed tightened until I was so dizzy and loss of equilibrium and agitated. I couldn't think or process things clearly or properly.... they change frequencies like you would a broadcast, and I get to feeling like a tuning fork. It was as if I was a zombie with eyes fixed and strong electrical current at the sole of (L) foot running up entire leg. As I am now writing this down, they are recreating the experience for me... they are always EXACTLY with me and don't miss a heart beat. To be so close to human garbage is enough in itself to bring on projectile vomiting in and of itself.
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  • Hi Lou. It is true, it happens to many of us what you say, both men and women.

    Here is a person trying, from his own experience making theories about this.
  • HI,
    If someone is criminal will go to jail and someone with mental illness go to mental hospital but we are not, we have been used and abused by the unfair and unjust evil , selfish corporations. We are aware of what is going on but we cant prove it and dont have enogh evidence to sue these secret and silent criminals. In my opinion we must expose these crimes through the media, internet,newspaper nand tv.
    From my understanding there are many people in toronto canda who are going to hospital and clinics because they lack information.Most of these people are immigrant with little englis knowledge.
    please Torontanians make fliers in a very simple english and distribute ,I will be willing to help.
    The pain and suffring is too much we have to do something befor it is too late, some innocent victims have died and some are in the process of dying. PLEASE CRY LOUDLY SO WE CSN BE HEARD!
  • Hi. I agree. The clone would have a soul of his own. Maybe some freaks would like the idea that their body lives on. Well, I think that I do want to know how you mean - that they use you like a model? I am also interested if they can touch you from a distance, because they can pull my nose, hair, drag my feet. ...
  • an interesting website i forgot to include: japanese android woman
  • The last comment was somehow SENT before I could either edit or complete my thought so it's not exactly what I had intended to say... I wanted to include my experience as being used as a 'model' for some of this programming research, but instead I'll mention it in a blog post.
  • Hi Alexandra, I guess i was a little abrupt and scared everyone off because yours is the only comment. It's all creepy with this man-machine interface and what is being done to those of us who have been taken prisoner by the technology.... The brain is now merely considered a combination of hardware and software and the creation of humans is a major preoccupation especially at places like Stanford Research Institute Intn'l.
    Some Misconceptions about Cloning, the Brain, and Immortality by David L. Perry, Ph.D.
    "We will really have to struggle in the next 100 years with the issue of what is a 'human being.'"

    "As Lee Silver points out in his book, Remaking Eden, our ability to alter the human genome does indicate that we'll have to rethink the meaning of "human being."
    "Since we will have clones, we will have the technology for eternal life . . . "

    But that's simply not true. If I were cloned, my clone would be my (nearly) identical twin, but he would have his own mind/soul. It might be very much like my mind/soul, but it would not be identical to mine. I would still experience life through my body only.

    ". . . we will have the ability to duplicate every aspect of the human being to the point where even the closest relations of the 'original human' will be not be able to distinguish between the original and the 'Xerox copy.'"
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