This past Monday night I slept so automatically knew something was up. The next night, Tuesday, October 19th they ran what felt like a frequency vibration or current moving slowly up and down and around inside torso. Since that night when I slept and they obviously worked me over, I am now being
attacked on many fronts in new and unusual ways.
Added into the picture is concentration on ears-eyes-nose-throat – tweaking and messing with my head with throat as though an apple is lodged at site of Adam’s Apple when I swallow; both temples and cheekbones made to be sore; base of head/neck .
Suddenly they are targeting me multiple points of contact at the same time. I’ve been working on my testimony recording details and, of course, naming SRI
as lead perpetrator with much to lose if this corporation’s covert
criminal history both past and present in collaboration with U.C.
Berkeley and Lockheed-Martin, the Department
of Defense, et al. behind the backs of the American
people gets leaked out and at long last the public becomes educated
as to where trillions of their taxpayer dollars have gone. Let the taxpayers
know why there is a Federal budget deficit in the trillions – get
it blown wide open that it's being spent on Human Enhancement,
Nanotechnology, Man – Artificial Intelligence Interface, cloning,
all kinds of multi-billion $ experimentation along with testing
their military weapons arsenal on American citizens – harassing and
torturing us the same as in days of old in Nazi-occupied Germany and Russia... see if Americans don’t suddenly get a rude wake up
call when it comes to “trusting” their government. All of Europe
has always known better than to trust their government. We’ve got
to get these dark dirty secrets out but forget about writing your
Congressmen because they know and they DON'T CARE ENOUGH ABOUT IT –
only showing up in D.C. in large numbers will speak to them; and I
guess ya all are just too busy to commit to that kind of statement. At least keep handing out those
flyers and working at the grass roots level so your local legislative body (saturate their offices with literature and wake up their staff) so they cannot ignore
you and do it in a polite way so they cannot be tempted to cart you off to one of those FEMA camps in the works. What should have been exposed after the end of WWII when all
those well-educated Nazi scientists were brought over by the CIA to work in American
laboratories to further the U.S. agenda and advancement of mind control
weaponry was all kept top secret like everything else.
Beginning at 4:30 a.m. this morning they began what gave off the sensations of a frequency vibration or current flowing throughout upper and lower torso and effecting entire colon running the frequency up and
down and around as well as being felt in organs of digestion –
ultimately forcing me to toilet and being used as a new toy in their
tool box to squeeze every drop of urine out of me and swipe clean
colon which effectuated feces the length of which is hard to believe
could possibly be expelled from a human being. The frequency
vibration begins at (L) foot and travels up connecting points as
through an acupuncture meridian (L) leg. This new type warfare on my bladder, as opposed to the usual application of "pressure," results in
flushing and sweating of face and neck which has just got to be real
I was riding to town this morning and my mind for a few minutes flashed on the Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. When I got to the health food store 25 minutes later a lady
with a Frida Kahlo shopping bag in her shopping cart was in front of