After posting my last blog on the 9t h of September, my guess is that the sharply-dressed business men in Armani sweater and slacks
covering up dirty underwear- didn't appreciate me exposing their
practice of every night squeezing me the way
they would a sponge squeezing every last drop of urine out of me.
The night before I
published that blog they got me up out of bed eight (8) times forcing
me to the toilet.
The following night after typing up the blog, I noticed they changed their tune; and I was allowed to fall asleep but right away woken up and forced to the bathroom- but only one time this night....
and, that one time where pressure was applied to bladder to
get me up, as soon as I was on my feet and walking to the bathroom
they slashed open my ( R) foot on the bottom of heel. Apparently,
they had an ax to grind. The last time they did this same kind of
thing they inserted a nano particle in the wound.
Last night things were still not back to normal dehydration and draining of the urine from my body . Instead, they picked up where they left off
the night before causing pain and discomfort in the stomach region
keeping four points N – E – S & W of my navel about 4 inches
out in each direction where I was implanted (3) months ago –
keeping points tweaked. The implantation of nano devices throughout
my body is an ongoing “project.” It was not all done at once. I am
a work in progress.
About 4 a..m. this morning they began with stabbing -jabbing pain to my (L ) side. By now it is so bad if I didn't know it was being
brought on by artificial electronic weapons of war technology to
mimic a genuine medical condition; if I was an unsuspecting, unknowing
average American citizen, I would go to the hospital. But, I know
better. This is what these Satanic sick twisted little
men at the Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA, and multiple
locations throughout the U.S., including international laboratories
in Japan, Korea, Greenland, United Arab Emirates. Ask
yourself what else they could
be doing in Greenland at the Sondrestrom Research Facility or adjoining facility.- Ever seen The X-Files by former CIA agent Chris Carter?..
the episodes filmed in Greenland? You might find the late Walt Disney or possibly
unravel the disappearance of women, children and adolescent young
people being kept on ice at the right body temperature, etc.
They continue since 4 a.m.early this morning to target my left side, keeping it tweaked and I am in really bad pain and not feeling clear headed or well at all because they are at the display screen also tweaking a point or points in back of skull.