Did The Scarborough Hospital and its psychiatrist conspired with Toronto Police and Canadian torturers to commit “medical torture”? Did the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario lie to dismiss your complaint?   How is it possible?
Here you are, Page 3 of  decision letter from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. You have seen other part of its decision letter.
1) “As already noted, he refused to consent to the release of his medical record.”
2) “He sought access to any voice recording of the medical examination that may exist.”
3) “Dr. Choy provided a letter of response dated April 28, 2008. He noted that his response was restricted due to the lack of the consent.”
4)    “ The Committee notes that, without consent…” I filed a complaint against The Scarborough Hospital and its psychiatrist who committed “medical torture”. I refused them both, the College and the psychiatrist? Am I having problem? Or, they are having problem? This was the way they refused my request for the access to my full medical record. This was the way they dismissed my complaint against the doctor who committed medical torture. This is the way they commit systematic torture.
Canadian torture victim Robin Yan
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