I have photos of DEW's that have green, yellow, black, red, purple, and blue which aren't that apparent until into a 4"X6" photo observing near window sunlight.  Individual photos have green and yellow,

blue and black, red,  red and yellow little green, and yellow with lots of green,  of transmission colors via satellite. The colors are rich like color pigment in appearance.  

   The photos were taken in a bedroom with navajo color walls, and white ceiling, and the colors onto my head, and hair, of direct energy weopons is color corrected or evidence with the navajo walls in clear tan in some photos.

    Photos are consistent now and easier to do having 3 positions in the room to take photos in a line.  If you can't tell where the forehead is in a photo look at other similar photos which  may show it for reference.

    Photos are on main page navigation bar, select photos, anyone can view without a sign in.

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