Disease vacuum engines transported by photons and waves.

Disease vacuum engines transported by photons and waves.
[Note that extensive tests of the electromagnetic transmission of cellular disease patterns between cell cultures have been reported by Soviet researchers, led by Kaznacheyev. Kaznacheyev reported that the effects were due to near-UV photons emitted by the diseased cells and irradiating the test cells. Such effects have been replicated at the University of Marburg, West Germany, using infrared emissions from diseased cells to irradiate test samples. At the University of Sydney, Australian researchers have accomplished the effect at a distance of over 100 feet, using what can only be called scalar EM radiation.].*
Germs plus waves and photons kill you.
Disease-frequency weapons. The Kaznacheyev experiments used a sheet of quartz crystal. There are crystalline quartz powders in the chemtrail spray.
The Kaznacheyev Experiments

Dr. Vlail Kaznacheyev is Director of the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Novosibirsk.

For 20 years he has been directing highly unusual experiments with twin cell cultures. These experiments are vital to understanding disease and healing on a more fundamental basis than is presently utilized by orthodox medical science.

The Kaznacheyev experiments (several thousand) in the Soviet Union proved conclusively that any cellular disease or death pattern can be transmitted electromagnetically, and induced in target cells absorbing the radiation.

In the experiments, two sealed containers were placed side by side, with a thin optical window separating them. The two containers were completely environmentally shielded except for the optical coupling.

A tissue was separated into two identical samples, and one sample placed in each of the two halves of the apparatus.

The cells in one sample (on one side of the glass) were then subjected to a deleterious agent - a selected virus, bacterial infection, chemical poison, nuclear radiation, deadly ultraviolet radiation, etc. This led to disease and death of the exposed/infected cell culture sample.

If the thin optical window was made of ordinary window glass, the uninfected cells on the other side of the window were undamaged and remained healthy. This of course was as expected in the orthodox medical view. However, if the thin optical window was made of quartz, a most unexpected thing happened. Some time (usually about 12 hours) after the disease appeared in the infected sample, the same features of disease appeared in the uninfected sample.

This startling "infection by optical coupling" occurred in a substantial percentage of the tests (70 to 80 percent). From an orthodox medical view, these results were unexpected and unheard of.

Further, if the originally uninfected cells were in optical contact with the infected cells for 18-20 hours or so, and then were correspondingly exposed (optically coupled) to another uninfected cell sample, symptoms of the infection appeared in this third sample an appreciable portion of the time (20 to 30 percent).

Guided by A.G. Gurvitsch’s work that showed that cells give off mitogenetic radiation (photons) that can affect other cells, the Kaznacheyev team sought an answer by looking for photons given off by the infected culture sample as its cells died.

They found that the cells in the infected culture gave off photons in the near ultraviolet when they died. The normal window glass was opaque to these near-UV photons and absorbed them. In that case, the uninfected culture on the other side of the glass was not exposed to radiation by the UV "death" photons from the dying cells, and they remained serenely healthy.

However, the quartz window was transparent to the UV "death photons". When the quartz window was installed, the UV "death photons" passed through it and were absorbed in the uninfected culture on the other side of the window. Most of the time, the uninfected culture which absorbed "death photons" sickened and died with the same disease symptoms.

The Kaznacheyev experiments proved conclusively that cellular death and disease patterns can be transmitted and induced electromagnetically.*

* We point out that this effect has been investigated in both the infrared and ultraviolet. IR to UV may be taken as a single harmonic interval - an octave, musically speaking. The same effect can be reproduced in any other "octave" (single harmonic interval) of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum. The reversal of the effect can also be achieved in any harmonic interval. The mechanism for these effects involves the cellular biopotential, Popp’s master cellular control system, and the deterministically-tailored substructure of photons.
the military branches of the U.S., especially the Navy must be investigated for the use of the PEP (pulsed energy projectile) weapon in this arena.
Along with the Air Force use of laser induced plasma channels:
Air Force Patent #5,900,986
Scholfield May 4, 1999

“columnar focal lens”



1. Field of the Invention

The present invention is directed to the field of optical lenses, and in particular to a lens that produces a columnar focus with the axis of the focal column perpendicular to the principal plane of the lens.

2. Description of the Prior Art

The concept of utilizing a plasma generated by laser guided electric discharges in the atmosphere as the conducting element of an antenna was introduced by Vallese (U. S. Pat. No. 3,404,403) in 1968. By 1970 Vaill had succeeded in producing a laser guided streamer (J. R. Vaill, D. A. Tidman, T. D. Wilkerson, D. W. Koopman, "Propagation of High-voltage Streamers Along Laser-induced Ionization Trails," Appl. Phy. Ltrs., Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 20-22, Jul. 1, 1970). The principal objective was the development of an antenna with no physical structure, but with large effective area. While the basic theoretical and experimental work for laser antennas has been successfully accomplished, the goal of producing an ionized column of atmosphere for use as an antenna, or to direct lightning strikes, has proved to be elusive. The main difficulty in the production of a viable plasma antenna lies in the tendency of the plasma initially created to block the radiation required to maintain the plasma in a columnar geometry. Various strategies have been used to overcome this difficulty. For example, Dwyer used a laser to weakly ionize an atmospheric column and then discharged a marx generator through the weakly ionized column to achieve a sufficiently high free electron concentration (T. J. Dwyer et al, "On the Feasibility of Using an Atmospheric Discharge Plasma as an RF Antenna," IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. APPLICATION-32, No. 2, pp. 141-146, February 1984).


The present invention is a lens that produces a columnar focus with the axis of the focal column perpendicular to the principal plane of the lens. The lens refracts an incident wave front with a focal length that is dependent upon the radial distance from the axis of the lens. These foci produce a focal column. The radii of curvature of the primary surface of the lens are dependent upon the desired length of the focal column. The thus focused radiation can be used to generate free electron surfaces in the atmosphere for use as an antenna, to act as an electromagnetic transmission line, to induce lightning strikes, or for electronic counter measure purposes. The invention can also be used for end cavity pumping of a laser medium.

The lens design of the present invention permits incident radiation to travel around any existing plasma and thereby limit the blockage that occurs in the prior art. (emphasis, ed)

ExoticWarfare is a program of the International Humanities Center a 501 [c] (3) public charity tax-exempt under the IRS code and proud members of grassroots.org.

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