I just saw this post, posted by Soleilmavis on "Mailteam Mass Petitions"
If we, each and every victim send our testimonies and what we are victims under, it might be a reaction. There is power in numbers! However, its of major importance when filing such testimony, that its reliable and credible. We all know that things that happens to us all the time is unimagninable, but they are true, but for someone who never heard about it, it migh be hard to get, if getting in to all sensational and surreal details in the beginning. Therefore it could be a good thing to relate what we are under, with what happened with victims from for instance MKULTRA and also link to all the information given about brainmapping, artificial intelligence and other very good and documented facts that are all filed here./Annie
You can rise your voice of mind control abuses and tortures in this link