Those who control the Roman Catholic church wish to have a United States government that is subservient to the Papacy. Those who control the Roman Cathloic church believe that the constitution of the United States is an illegal document because it holds the state above the church.
Those who control the Roman Catholic church wish to catholicize the United States so that it can then be controlled by the Pope. To that end, the border between the United States and Mexico is not guarded sufficiently to keep out illegal mostly catholic Mexicans. When the Mexicans arrive in the United States, the Roman Catholic priests organise work for them. They in turn will vote according to the dictates of the Roman Catholic Priests who in turn receive their dictates from those who control the Roman Catholic Church. If this pattern continues the United States would eventually be catholicized which would lead to the United States government being subservient to the Papacy and it would also lead to the United States constitution becoming an illegal document with the people of the United States having no individual rights because they would be subservient to the Pope in all things.
Similarly, those who control the Roman Catholic Church wish to overthrow any government throughout the world that does not subvert itself to the Papacy. Those who control the Roman Catholic Church wish that the will of a single man, the Pope, rules everyone else throughout the world because they believe that he has a divine right to rule the whole world supremely without question.
The Jesuits are the military wing of the Roman Catholic Church. Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit. Does he take orders from those who control the Roman Catholic church. Those who control the Roman Catholic Church are known to practice Luciferianism. The Vatican telescope is called Lucifer. A component in the covid-19 vaccination is known as Lucifereze. Why is that so ? Hymns are being sung to Lucifer in St Peters Bacilica. Why is that so? There is currently an arrest warrant issued against Pope Francis by the International common law court of Justice in Brussels and you will find a copy of it at the following online link [show less