Is there a method of registering the birth of babies without also turning them into legal slaves to the current establishment by doing so, and if there is no method other than turning them into legal slaves by registering their births exactly who are they then legally enslaved to. What group are they then legally enslaved to and what are the legal names and current locations and postal addresses and tax haven locations of each and every member of that aforementioned group of slave owners. If registeered babies are considered to be legal slaves by what means can they nullify or cancel their legal status.?
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In 1999, Michael Marrus, a Canadian historian of the holocaust, was one of three Jewish scholars appointed to the International Jewish-Catholic Historical Commission to investigate the role of Pope Pius XII. The commission was disbanded in controversy when the Vatican rebuffed its efforts to access its wartime archives.
Francisco Franco ruled Spain from 1938-73 ruled with a fascist fist & believed in Catholic nationalism. His influence extended to Spain's colonies in the Americas & to such sects as Opus Dei (translation "work of God") which was founded in 1928. Initially, Opus Dei was open only to men.
In 1980, Archbishop Oscar Romero, a supporter of Opus Dei, was assassinated while delivering mass in San Salvador. He spoke out against the violent military government & told the poor to seek justice in their world & not the next. Every November, a vigil is held on the grounds of The School of Americas at Fort Benning, a US military base in Georgia, to protest the human rights abuses committed by some graduates & leaders of the academy, including murder, rape & torture & contraventions of the Geneva Convention. In 2000, Congress renamed the school - The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Co-Operation.
Thanks again for your links. It's nice to be informed & share. "Hello" to your perpetrators from me & take care (share the love).
Thank you for reminding me of the projects name, my captors/torturers steal my memories from time to time, but I did remember a public release about a program where they have super computers using personality mapping of every human alive back in ~2000 era to mimic a virtual simulation of the world under different political changes; anyways, thank you.
As for the Catholic Church/ and Nazi relationship...
"Christian anti-Semitism that fueled the Nazi program has been roundly repudiated by the Church, “the modern ideology of papal power” that helped to make the hatred of Jews so lethal in this century still marks Roman Catholicism." (
I'm glad some of the priests helped save people. I've heard of some who actually helped exterminate Jews as well, but having them organized within the Church and then sent off to various places for execution. Anyways, what's released to the public is rarely truth, and when it is it's highly biased.
Thanks again, wishing you all the best.
My uncle was tattooed in Auschwitz & was one of those liberated by the Russians in 1945. We are Gentiles.
The US has a history of experimenting on its citizens. From 1932-72, the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male was conducted without the knowledge of its participants.
Thousands of Nazis were used by the CIA, FBI, US military & intelligence services in the Middle East, South America & Europe & much information remains classified though data has been declassified.
The Vatican & Red Cross enabled the escape of many Nazis & collaborators by issuing passports.
On April 20, 2022, the print edition of The Toronto Star carried a full page ad: "It is what it is, until it isn't. Truth we need for the world we want" accompanied by the paper's logo. (The paper's considered liberal.)
Edward Snowden disclosed MindPrism, the NSA program which combines signals intelligence capacities with neuroscience.
I don't have much to say. Take care. Bye for now.
Love & Peace
To be precise its a JSOC collaboration with JEMSO, which is a joint operation with the U.S. CIA/DIA. The security breach happened within the OSS (CIA precursor) They brought over the Nazi SS post-WWII during Operation Paperclip (A "Trojan Horse" maneuver), and started the CIA DO which then further developed the technologies into these clandestine operations, they began to biohack commanding officers throughout the DOD and took control of the US DOD internally, once this was accomplished this Roman/Nazi group simultaneously was taking over the Global IC community by means of international CIA activity.
The perpetrators attacking me have self identify as being CIA in the clandestine division they stated that they’re working with military personnel I tracked that down to JSOC and JEMSO I know that the CIA worked with the DIA on Project MKUltra what we’re experiencing is a classified sub-project based on MKUltra Research into radiological Behavior manipulation mainly based on communication technology based on the "Frey" effect (it’s mentioned in this report:
This Frey effect communication technology allows them to speak transcranially straight into our brains the Technologies involved have evolved from anti-missile defense systems technologies; they are extremely fast and enable to neutralize a projectile traveling at thousands of kilometers per hour with extremely high precision. As such, how do we stand a chance against such military technologines being used against civilians most militaries/civilian forces in the worlds officers aren’t even aware of such divisions having such cybernetic electronic warfare weapons? Further, you need a security clearance of level three from the Special Access Program (SAP) as this information is highly classified and compartmentalized. Most Intelligence Community officers don’t have the required security clearance level necessary to access such documents or they lack the “need-to-know” basis that is required to access such information. And most frightening there’s no safe guards or protocols in place to enable defense from such an internal security breach, so much so that an officer simply putting their name down to access such information makes them a target for this group usually by means of “Cybernetic assassination” (Cybernetic assassination means that they trapped you inside your own body and remotely control all your neurological and central nervous system functions in such a manner that your in a state of stasis being moved around by third parties akin to that of a computer game character).
All the above information is from my self-research which is guided by my CIA "Watcher" in addition to first hand communications with these individuals attacking TI's (Acts 12.15).
I hope this helps, Everything in Time changes, speaking of which the "Time division" is also compromised and their using this technology to make everything appear legitimate.
Hope all's well.
When you say "they showed me evidence", I do not know what this means with voice-to-skull unless they tell you to look up something & then you do & that's proof for the next interplay the perps assault you with. The "Directorate of Operations" is on Wikipedia.
Knowledge develops by studying & questioning - thesis, antithesis, synthesis. What you've learned & accepted for your worldview is your journey & you're sharing your conclusions with me, Peacepink & whoever reads our posts. We diverge as people & targeted individuals. The perps' attempts to make us feel 'chosen', 'special' or 'important' aims to inflate & deflate our well-being, to set us up for another day, chapter or volume. (I do think it's both inflate & deflate. The scars of war on its victims are well understood. The effects of isolation on the incarcerated are also well recorded.) We are living history through covert WWIII scenarios & too many lost peace dividends. (The scenarios change & are redesigned.) We are pushed & pulled into different directions along with the untargeted & there are many spaces to fill with outstanding candidates - the next Buddha or Hatshepsut.
The Parliament of the World's Religions has tried to foster a global dialogue but without an end to war, racism, misogyny & inequality, there will not be an end to conflict. To address climate change, the earth needs to rest & the war in Ukraine has created another split among the Christian Orthodox Church.
I do not know what else to add. Time to carry on with my day. Bye for now & please take care. Peace.
I'm aware of the "marks of the beast" and having us turn into digital citizens. They've informed me this is a Global neuromapping project, that they work for a special division of the CIA referred to collectively as the DO (Directorate of Operations) which has various elements within, such as a special division which specializes in satellite warfare (They are sometimes referred to as “Guardian Angels”), which uses DEWs, Cybernetic communications aerial espionage, sabotage, clandestine assassination, etc. They told me they release this information on an emergency basis as they to are victims of these technologies, this information they stated is normally classified to a compartmentalized level three security clearance. They further stated the attackers are sadistic and play a game, where they can only use the individuals knowledge, they sometimes refer to the player/victim as a "Jesus Christ Candidate", but in reality they've no interest in finding the rebirth of Christ as they knew it's all fake and it's impossible, as such, they showed me excerpts from the other missing chapters of the bible which clearly explain how they performed their magic tricks (the "blind" man was posted in the area three months before the "Son of God comes to visit", etc.), the Jews used an invisible-to-the-naked-eye clay to dance in the furnace of Babylon, etc.
They've clearly stated this all is done to keep the Intelligence Community (IC) occupied as well as originally help with unlawful "neuromapping", by playing shoulder Angel/Demon games, they said it's based on a psychological trick, if you give someone a reason for torturing someone else no matter how silly or non-logical it may sound, the people will back off as it's easier for them to do so than to continue with making a complaint and standing against the wrongdoers especially if those wrongdoers are higher ranking officers in the IC.
They showed me evidence and reasoning how and why they're attacking these Royal families, and they appear to believe these families are not part of the inner circle of this Roman group as far as they’re concerned. The British family left the Roman power lineage and started their own, although the Thai is connected with the French Royalty/power structure historically, due to letting them act as regent of Thailand for a time, many years ago... essentially they’re Buddhists and not Roman Catholic, apparently the Roman Catholics have power over some essential technologies of which have to do with "Time" and knowledge of a physics phenomena, which has to do with an ancient Vedic theory that Vedic scholars noted that time in this world is cyclic, as such, they built technology based on this natural phenomena, sometimes we call this natural phenomena psychic clairvoyance when a dream appears to us or knowledge from the future appears to present itself, this is all classified.
Apparently, since the World has been neuromapped, and since they’ve these weapons and this "Time" Communication System (TCS) in place essentially this world has been made into a video game and the game owners are sadistic pedophiles and suffer from other sexual deviancy, and enjoy torturing people(history books can show you many examples: Vlad the Impaler and Bloody Mary come to mind.) There has been more highly classified information released to me, they give me this Classified Intel as they state higher ranking officers can confirm my classified information by using these statements, of which if they take positive action, and use extreme diligence, we can start a program to end this cycle of tyranny by using Cybernetics to revert wealthy individuals into a balanced state of mind and end worldwide acts of pedophilia, and sexual deviancy and associated crimes such as kidnapping and exploitation of vulnerable persons, etc. But as these current wealthy individuals in power want to create a "Hell" on Earth (as they state a person just needs to look at the Church's actions and ask “What God do they appear to truly follow?”, and they showed me the answer they believe in the “God of the bible”, and then this bible verse "2 Corinthians 4.4 NLT (They just reverse the meaning of the bible in most cases), they said all these “sins” are just human ideas of sins, anyone of us if given a position of power would choose to do whatever we want as morals are based for those who fear punishment, and if you take that punishment away we all begin to act as animals and morals no longer become right and wrong. Of which they state incest is OK, who cares if a person sleeps with their parent? Or Grandparent even? It’s just sex (to them, for me it’s wrong, morally and also logically, as I stated we wouldn’t have congenital diseases if that was true), I’ve had many discussions with them like this (in between the torture).)
They then said we've a dire situation as these men double crossed their friends/loyal members of their Roman groups (they use different organizations for different functions, the Freemasons higher degrees have been implicated not only as containing persons who support their movement but also of persons who're unwilling victims of these Cybernetic technologies) and have been murdering them by covert means (Cybernetic assassination can keep the body alive but imprison the person inside their own body without anyone understanding they lie within in a comatose like state, while a series of agents pretend to be you using AI to help them mimic the victims behavior patterns) (Matthew 11.12), they then tell me to also inform them this is the truth by stating John 17.17.
I’ve much more information, it’s sometimes overwhelming, I’m a polymath as such, naturally, and under normal conditions, very good at mind-mapping large volumes of information and putting it together in a logical puzzle type format, I can wait years for a “puzzle” piece to complete the picture. They say this natural ability is one of the reasons why I was chosen to deliver the messages for this sadistic game.
We’re in a covert World War III.
Anyone want to build a defensive/protective shelter with me?
I hope this helps.
(Other IBM inventions include the automated teller machine, the floppy disk, the hard disk drive, the magnetic stripe card, the universal bar stripe code for products & dynamic random-access memory.)
Since the perps do many things to make TIs feel 'chosen', 'special', or 'important', why do you think your attackers are telling you they've attacked the British & Thai families? 'What' we are being told & 'when' has its methodology - 'families' includes anyone & everyone.
The "sovereignty" of a new nation cannot be done in Thailand, without declaration of war, I like Thai food too much to fight, as such, I recommend a peace loving sanctuary, the structure would be part of the Temple of ATIS, but room lease can be given as Government approved contracts with investors.
I'm surprised this Roman Catholic/Luciferian occult group has gotten so far in infiltrating the American establishment, but when you know they are the U.S. Directorate of Operations (DO) that attacks us, who stem from the American Nazis supporters and the Nazi SS brought over during operation Paperclip, it becomes very clear who your enemy is and what they are capable of, the Jesus Christ/Messiah is just a cover for their sadomasochistic torture (as it pacifies the rest of us in order to allow them to undertake such action as it has "reason" (this is a psychological trait of humans), even if that reason makes no logical sense), it also makes the victim feel "special" it's part of the PSYOPs, it's not real. The Angel/Demon games they play is part of this classified Global neuromapping operation, it's to see how your brain function, which is then "mapped" for computers to be able to ensure remote control of your neurological functions, as I'm sure your well aware.
The people attacking me have also admitted to attacking the British (also Canadian) and Thai Royal families with this Cybernetic technologies to remotely manipulate their behaviors.
The comment about the Jews, as the Jews I'm sure would understand that their people were targeted for less than righteous reasoning, they suffered and died, the same is happening to us by this Nazi/American organization. I think they may find it interesting how the same group of people who tortured their families and executed those of their faith, are the same ones attacking us (and their offspring) at the current moment in time, this situation has to do with Operation Paperclip, and literally bringing war criminals into America to help build the technologies and clandestine projects such as MKUltra, which has led to our current state. This isn't conspiracy or some sort of Mickey Mouse idea, this is a serious undertaking of social mapping of the the current attackers organization and back tracing it to it's original origins. We're in a covert WWIII.
By the way, in my religion woman can be temple leaders, as long as they've earned the right to do so, I see strong caring and good hearted people, regardless of gender, as valuable leaders.
I hope this helps, and wishing you a great day.
My curiosity was peaked by your many calls for potential investors & the Temple of Atis. I'm glad I better understand what this means to you. The project's engaging & ambitious. Initially, I thought Thailand'd be the site. I know nothing about the country except that criticizing its monarchy can land one in prison. Anyway, you'd require $$$ - a substantial sum.
I've been thinking about your comment: "we are the 'Jews' of WWII experiencing modern covert warfare" & I wonder how Israeli TIs would respond to this. I wonder what support The Targeted Individuals Global Public Group (Noam Yehezkel) has received if any? To what degree is Israel's technological achievement promoting our enslavement & exploitation? To the best of my knowledge, rabbinical graduates from Israel & the US are the only ones granted certification as other countries do not have schools. While crimes are being committed, 'waiting for the messiah' is a refrain that resonates in orthodox circles. (The Palestinians are another issue ... Hamas ... Fatah ... the Palestinian Authority ...) Women of the Wall (the right to pray at the Western Wall) was the most covered women's issue in the history of the country's media & the women are still, from many reports, poorly received.
Bye for now & take care. I've enjoyed our chats & learned from you - nice.