In the 12+ years I’ve been a TI, I’ve experienced an occasional success in throwing a monkey wrench into the smooth workings of the perp machine. I’ve done this by keeping my mouth shut, and paying attention.
In order to conduct the monotonous and repetitive tasks of being a perp, perps are somewhat brain dead when it comes to initiative and imagination. They remind me of arduino robots that are programmed by their handlers, and never deviate in carrying out their assigned tasks. When they hit an obstacle they stop and call the handler. It can take a day or two of blissful quiet bf they return with a new tactic.
Firstly, keeping my mouth shut.
- I will bite my lip bloody before I cry or make any sound that indicates I am in pain. It becomes a fight of mind over pain. No matter how bad I feel at that moment, I know that if perps discover that the device/tactic being used is causing me to suffer, that device/tactic will be repeated for years to come.
- There have been times when I thought I’d have to go to the hospital bcz of the pain, but I suffered through the attack and kept silent. The DEW/device will sooner or later be replaced by another device bcz they weren’t sure the other device had worked.
- This is a response I have had from the beginning, and it has served me well. They NEVER know if what they are doing is working, so get no satisfaction.
Second, paying attention.
- Listen, watch, and learn the timetable and routines of your perps. This is valuable information and you will learn a whole lot more than you think. Remember, you are no threat or challenge - they won’t suspect you are watching and taking notes.
- Each perp has his own “signature”. Some just want to let you know they are omnipresent, other’s like to crank up the juice and cause as much suffering as they can. Each perp will use a given weapon differently.
- Make up a timetable for each perp. Then, watch for any correlation w/vehicles driving by, cars starting up, people going to work, etc. Look for connections between deeds and people you see or hear.
The use you are able to make of this information will depend on a number of factors. The closer your perps can move in next to you, the worse your situation. The larger the buffer zone, the more chances you will have to test out avenues of relief.
There are many TIs looking to hook up with other TIs, and many that have already formed groups. Connect with another TI or someone you trust, or get a couple of big dogs. Then, move to a lot in the middle of the dessert or on top of a masa and go off the grid. See how many perps show up to harass you... they never did find Jimmy Hoffa.