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By analysing the temporal lobes of the human brain using electromagnetic radiation scientists can identify unique EEG patterns and relate them to the individual words, thoughts, body movements and emotions of the human research subject. In 1972 Dr Lawrence Pinneo of the Stanford Research Institute created an EEG dictionary of each unique EEG pattern and its related unique thought or unique word. That EEG dictionary can now be used to translate your unique EEG patterns into the thoughts that you think and the words that you say. Now, whenever you are in the presence of electromagnetic radiation, specificially extremely low frequency waves your thoughts and words can be monitored without your awareness and can then be transmitted by your digital device to a computerized storage capability so that the intelligence services can know what you are thinking and speaking at all times when your smart phone is on your person or when you are in front of your computer screen. For this and still further information about this topic please read a book called ‘Guinea Pigs’ by Dr John Hall.
I am a non-consenting research subject of neurological research and the scientists and operatives who monitor and manipulate my brain and body speak to me on a live link to the extent that I have absolutely no mental privacy and herebelow is a small sample of some of what they have been saying to me recently as follows:
“Do you have to touch your leg like that” That was said at 8.50 p.m. Irish time on 5th August, 2020.
” Have we any control over this woman’s bowel and bladder which would allow us to cause problems for her when she is out and about in town.?”
“No, because this woman does not eat the type of food that contains the particulates which would allow us to wirelessly control her bower other than what has become embedded in her alimentary canal and this situation is not adequate for that to occur.”
“We might have to get her to commit suicide.”
“I am going to manipulate a bowel movement.” (They have never done this to me.)
“Go to the bathroom.”
“Hurry on and take a shower because we want to show case you.”
“What time does she get up at.”
“Get on with your job of deficating so I can do an analysis.” This was then followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following “This is not acceptable discourse.”
“You will have to go out there and install something in her home.” “This is illegal under our rules.” “We dont have any rules.”
“We dont expect any discipline from ourselves and yet we order the subjects to adopt extreme self discipline every day.”
“She is on hyper alert. Why is that?” “I dont require her to have any more sleep.”
“You wont select your own clothes in the future. We will do so.”
“Everything is public knowledge now.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland, and todays date is 6th August, 2020.