Dr's evil

From The Scarborough Hospital psychiatrist’s letter to the investigator , you can see how The Scarborough Hospital and its psychiatrist conspired with Toronto Police, Canadian torturers to commit torture, “medical torture”.


I filed a complaint against this doctor who fabricated my medical record, refused to provide my full medical record with The Scarborough Hospital. In fact, they got involved in medical torture.  The College’s investigator asked the doctor to explain why he fabricated my medical record and why there were significant conflicts between his handwritten notes and his formal report. However, this doctor wrote to the College and stated:



“ As there is no signed consent from Mr. Yan, my response is understandably restricted.”



They lied to the investigator regardless of the law and fact. Is it logical? I refused to sign the consent after I filed a complaint against him. The College dismissed my complaint based on doctor’s lie. As a torture victim, what can I say? What can I do?















Canadian torture victim



Robin Yan


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