Draft letter to the P.M of Canada

Dear Mr. Prime Minister

There are a vast number of targeted individuals and victims of electronic, covert harassment and gas lighting in our communities and would like to address this subject of bullying on another level. I have been taking the advice of a psychiatrist and taking my medication as prescribed. From personal experience this torture is real, I have been singled out by three different individuals from my past who have hacked my brain invaded my privacy and put my personal thoughts on the air and have picked me apart for a year and three and a half months. I have never done anything to deserve this sort of torture, I've condemned them regularly and done my best to carry on with my life as a regular person after losing my job in June of last year. I now have hyperacusis and am using construction earmuffs to block out the noise full time as I truly believe these voices are not coming from my head. I would never harm another human being no matter how much aggravation they put me through and I wouldn't even see the purpose in confronting them in reality unless it was so that I could take them to court. I'm one of the many left without physical proof and if I were to call the police and ask to have them investigated I'm sure they would laugh in my face.

Please consider helping us find a solution to situations like these, my health and the health of many is on the line.


what else should I say???

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