People tend to 4get that we dream everyday!!! But we very rarely remember the dream we had the next day? We can all take control of our dreams. Perps use their tech to influence us in generally a bad way & enforce it so when we get up from a sleep state. Its the 1st fing we remember?!!!.. Then wot do we go & do/say? We go on Peacepink & let rip that my perps tech made me dream of rape or child molestation. Now by speakn out allowed on Peacepink? Your giving perps the info that they want!!! Your confirming the tech had an influence on u lasnyte and dreamed the shit they enforced upon you! Confirming their tech worked on you! So by doing this. Wot due fink the perps are gona do? They gonna keep on placing the shit and pump into your dreams. Also when u speak of your dreams? Your putting it out in your conscious state. The soo called real reality when we're awake!. Instead of leavn it in your unconscious reality. I keep sayn it!!! Stop bringing up or mentioning anything to do wiv your perps/tech. By doing the opposite to this? They will av less influence & power of us. Keep your dreams to yourselves!!! Take care's TI's!
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