I am tethered to a computer network by an energy system and I hear the voices of the computer operatives coming from inside my head on a continual basis. They conduct experiments on my brain and body. I am currently growing vegetables on a small vegetable patch which is adjacent to my home. When I touch the soil on the ground for the first time each day that I am working there I hear the voices coming from inside my head say "We have suddenly lost traction." I believe they say this because when I touch the soil on the ground I am grounding myself and I instantly lose all of my bodily stores of electromagnetic radiation, to the extent that they can no longer work on my brain and body until I am in range of electromagnetic radiation again. I believe that if I lived in a home with no electricity I would be safe from electronic enslavement which is being slowly rolled out with the advent of Fifth generation millimetre wave technology.
Posted by Gretta Fahey on May 4, 2019 at 4:52pm