Interview with Dr. Fernández Sola on TV3 about electrohipersensibilidad.
Interview with Dr. Fernández Sola electrohipersensibilidad on TV3.
Imagine for a moment that any electrical appliance or electromagnetic waves that surround us might affect our salud.Imaginese you could not live beside a: dryer, electric stove, microwave etc ...
Then we could not live in the state of being! Wireless connections, wifi etc Do we affect health?
Today we have medical evicencias these waves around us are harmless to health. They are people who receive the diagnosis of Hypersensitivity to electricity .... They affect everything Mag loaded with static elestricidad, sometimes these people say they have to connect the grounding plug to discharge ....
Maria Antonia and have not been able to go to the plate for his HYPERSENSITIVITY ELECTRIC, but leave us your recorded word.
The dr. said that if they had not entered the dish would have tolerated the large amount of electromagnetic waves that exist in the. Habrien provoked sensory neurological system and a lock, would have headaches, would have feeling of not knowing where they are ... Spatial disorientation.
The amount of exposure to this reality is what creates our problem ...
The first thing you notice after work is very tired, headache, ... set foot on land to get home and notice how low static electricity.
She greatly affects the washer, he went to live in a house where you had electromagnetic measurements.
Talk of everyday cooking and changes you have made on the house to lose 40 oms 8 OMHS ... Her life is subject to electricidad.Ella known devices using the neighbor was in medical doctor to know what his enemy electromagnetic waves.
Dr, how this problem appears in the life of a person?
They get tired more than normal, headaches, and note making comparisons and identifying areas that are a problem. Moving house or investigate electromagnetic waves from their homes.
Many tolerate it but there is a critical mass that does not support it, and many women who have to leave their jobs and their partner they do not accept the change.
THE dr. says it's not the same because allergy has another tuning but might be called so ...
Many people are labeled as having psychiatric problems ....
It is a condition of neurological origin. Just as we can not pass a pacemaker by an arc at the airport because it is dropped, our neurological system is an electromagnetic detector and altered.
Accumulation of static to be insulated with rubber soles clothing or electricity.
Cognitive lock on the orientation Hypersensitivity to electromagnetism, a problem which is reduced to psychiatric in our society ... that should change ...
People who do not know where they are lost ....
LA journalist asks a question to the doctor:
Once a man fainted in the Catalonia square and a woman who came to attend to qu een said that there were many possible specific point desmayos..¿Es this?
Connect many lines ...
Yes, that is possible says dr. And he speaks of intelligent buildings in which electromagnetism accumulates. Talk of the downloads they received a cleaning women in these buildings because of physical problems suck excess electromagnetism.
Has increased uncontrollably coexistence with electromagnetism, apart from personal sensitivity ...
How you can tell?
Persons shall discern as found in certain places, if they faint,
Hospitals are a dangerous point for these people because there is an electromagnetic system that governs the examination and diagnosis of the patient.
All these electromagnetic waves crossing our bodies every day, until now scientists have told us what had been ene exhibits that had studies which demonstrate that this is true.
When you drink a glass of boiled milk in the microwave seems to have a different flavor, the incidence of the wave on it makes it different than when slowly boiled.
There is cumulative evidence demonstrating electromagnetism the incidence in our body.
Phenomena cause irritability and hypersensitivity,
They begin to have studies linking long exposure with the presence of cancerous tumors.
Women due to their hormonal situation are more receptive.
It affects the skin? If you tolerate less sunlight because their skin is irritated, skin problems generated -
WHAT happen in the future?
We are not controlling the amount of waves to which we are exposed.
It would be a mistake to create buildings with WiTricity, because they are insulated from the atmosphere.
A woman says when he plays his daughter loose sparks ...
DOMOTICA science measuring electromagnetism.
No specific estudis to create it as a diagnosis, are just a few who suffer or those who know, no specific study to make it a enfermad.
This interview is a small step toward freedom.! Now there's a doctor in Catalonia that talks about it openly and diagnosed.