The Luciferians, Satanists and Ultra Zionists who run the one world government and who wish us to submit to their will have drawn up a list of possible ways that they can wirelessly injure anyone who challenges their wills. They can wirelessly injure anyone they wish from an unknown remote location while they remain anonymous cowards and they do it in some of the following ways:-
When you book an online appointment with a government official the appointment date and time are automatically changed by pre-programmed algorithms.
When you order a package by means of online shopping the package is delayed or entirely lost or when you look at your order on that online website the following day the order has been mysteriously placed in the cancelled orders column.
When you attempt to use a kitchen appliance it is externally controlled to malfunction or it is externally controlled to switch itself on while you are in the room beside it even though it is not a smart appliance such as my water distiller switched itself on while there was no water in it whatsoever.
A modern car, tractor, truck or any motor vehicle can be externally controlled to malfunction and the accellerator and steering wheel can even be externally controlled to cause you to crash against a wall. On the other hand, if you use an olds mobile you can not be tracked or traced and it can not be externally controlled. That also applies if you have an old tractor. Never sell and old tractor or car because in the future all other vehicles can be brought to a complete standstill by wireless external control. Due to nano technology in our bodies and brains which is being introduced mostly by means of injection, people can now be externally wirelessly controlled by their central nervous systems to experience force muscle movement to their limbs and to their facial muscles. The perpetrators need to have a DNA sample of that individual in order to achieve this and the person needs to be bathed in an artificial electromagnetic field, the type which comes from using a computer, a smart phone, from wearing a smart watch or from driving an electric car or electric bicycle.
The perpetrators now have databases of farm animals due to the fact that farmers obtain grants for supplying their own governments with DNA samples of all farm animals. Nano technology can be introduced into the farm animals through their food and water supply or through injections. If the farm animal is placed in an electromagnetic field then that farm animal can be killed or injured by wireless means and it can be achieved from an unknown remote location. Farm animals who are grazing in fields could possible be placed in artificial electromagnetic fields if there were microwave transmitters within a few miles of that field or they could possible be placed in an artificial electromagnetic field due to the fact that the sky is continually being ionized by means of chemtrail spraying of the skies which electrifies the sky and turns clouds into plasma. This turns the whole world into a wireless hotspot and this also turns the sky into a video screen which allows the military to show videos in the sky of space ships and religious figures.
If we stop chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads our digital wireless enslavement would cease to be a capability within one month which is as long as it would take to dissipate the chemtrail spray.
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