Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Dr. Joaquim Fernández Sola: Materials.
Dr. Joaquim Fernández Sola is one of the largest national expert and pioneer in medical diagnosis of diseases of central sensitization, as electrohipersensibilidad or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Spain, plus specialist in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. Currently consults in the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona and in the private wing of the same hospital, the Barnaclínic.
I link in this post, other journalistic materials, graphics and research articles in this Spanish physician regarding the EHS and central sensitization syndromes.
Interview with Dr. Fernández Sola Web Miguel Jara
Sensitivity to toxic chemicals and radiation add Syndromes Central Sensitization
A few months ago I read the book Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Environmental doctor Joaquim Fernández-Sola and published a few days ago that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is about to be recognized as a disease in Spain. Joaquim wrote me because I implied that no effective treatment for MCS but the protocol has been developed by the Ministry, to my knowledge, does not cover it. Untreatable, the Ministry says. Discussed with respect by mail as I am aware that there are other treatments that work in a good part of people and that is documented scientifically. We agreed that he would do the interview which otherwise had asked months ago and is as follows:
What is the central thesis of the book that you and your colleagues have driven?
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a medical entity not yet recognized as a disease but clearly recognizable and easily diagnosed clinically. Has an environmental origin and manifests more in susceptible individuals as loss of tolerance to exposure to various chemicals to low doses of usually tolerated by the same individual previously or by other individuals in the general population. It is a, not psychological, neurological and systemic impact origin organic disorder. Have a chronic course and, once established, difficult to modify.
Can they be three diseases as MCS, fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) branches of the same tree, so you considered?
Most likely YES. The deSÍNDROMES AWARENESS CENTRAL concept encompasses the same pathophysiological process in this three diseases (MCS, CFS, FM) and many others (Migraine, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Restless Legs ...). They have a one manifestations pathophysiological origin comúny markedly overlapping each other. When a patient begins with adding them will evolutionarily many others.
What is the relationship between MCS and EMF Hypersensitivity (EHS) or electrohipersensibilidad? It seems that more and more people suffer both syndromes.
Most patients develop SQM the beginning or in the course of the disease also electrohipersensibilidad (EHS). In our experience they have one third of patients with MCS at baseline and two-thirds in five years, to varying degrees. They are two aspects of the same disorder Cerebral Central Sensitization. MCS and EHS are added in the concept of total "environmental toxic load".
-Many people believe that MCS is as allergy what difference the two conditions?
Sensitivity and Allergy are two different processes. Allergy is a quite different pathophysiological mechanism of sensitization. In the allergic responses medals immunoglobulins E and Eosinophils that are not present in the sensitization activated. Patch tests (prick test) and analytics can detect these allergic manifestations but not the sensitization phenomena. What may happen is that coexist and allergic sensitization in an individual phenomena. There are incompatible entities.
'The SQM or electrosensitivity change our conception of civilization to what extent, will lead to a change of civilization?
I think these two phenomena are very important in public health and which have not been properly appreciated by the national and global health authorities. Predictably, they will assume a need to change the model of consumption and social development, as we inevitably diminish significantly and use and exposure to environmental chemicals and electromagnetic radiation.
In your opinion are there effective treatments for specific diseases and environmental MCS? And what did you find treatments that are done on sites like Environmental Medicine Clinic of Dallas, the Breakspeare Hospital London or Madrid Foundation Alborada?
It has not been shown that there are effective pharmacological treatments for MCS. It is best to expose as little as possible sensitizing products and make a proper ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL. All of them mentioned treatments are based on plausible assumptions, but HAVE NOT PURCHASED enough scientific evidence for that can be recommended. This I say various official agencies Medical Technology Assessment. In medicine, if you will recommend and implement scientifically treatment must first demonstrate its effectiveness not only get a personal feel "expert", which is what happens in the places mentioned.
More info on the book The health that comes on these new diseases.
Conflict of interest: Who publishes this interview is Co Director of Communications at the Alborada Foundation.
European Symposium: "The real dimension of non-ionizing radiation: scientific, legal and social analysis." October 14, 2011, the European Union Headquarters in Madrid. Statement by Dr. Joaquim Fernández Sola. Coordinator of the Chronic Fatigue Unit of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.
European Symposium: "The real dimension of non-ionizing radiation: scientific, legal and social analysis." October 14, 2011, the European Union Headquarters in Madrid. Statement by Dr. Joaquim Fernández Sola. Coordinator of the Chronic Fatigue Unit of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.
Interview with Dr. Fernández Sola on TV3 about electrohipersensibilidad.