EMF/RF v2k through the power lines

EMF/RF through the power lines
Cable too a hypothetical story, EMF health problems match all the bullshit
That v2k weapon’s clams to be doing. For a VLF ham radio to use the power lines as antenna
Is highly illegal but if you could camouflage your v2k but mixing it with the local radio stations.
The PUD power company would note that is was just noise EMF from a bad transformer bad block
Connections bad grounds. What if you went through your home and checked your EMF with a meter.
To cheap use an AM radio battery powered or in a car drive around the neighborhood /town
Tune the radio to the lowest station 530 AM or lower if you have it with no station. You can now
Hear the EMF don’t be surprised how noisy the electronic world is. Do something about it.
EMF the biggest health hazard or our time. Any appliance or charger or any plug with no ground.
If a signal is piggy backed in this way the ground will be compromised as well. I would depend
On how you home was wired. This is why appliances are heterodyne to the beat of local radio stations
And the most important V2K hate messages 24/7. If you are being V2K’ed your home is EMF/RF
Ghost central. Want one nights peace turn off the power at the main at night. A motor is the worst
Hard drives, fans anything with a motor. Very inconvenient and the fridge too phones.
Look outside power lines poles close to you cable lines and scan the ground around
Your house drive around in car you check the local area for EMF around your house
It will be different. It will be loud call the PUD and complain about the loud EMF
Stopping you from listening to am radio stations. Next step is the FCC a way to
Make then do their job. More and more people are coming to EMF as the cause
Of the health problems. There is more to it maybe high voltage transformer to
Make the power lines heterodyne creating EMF for V2K to work you must be electro
Sensitive your magnetic tuned to it making you sick with EMF causes you to hallucinate
Depression suicidal which is the goal. I know about the other V2K weapon’s and
There are many and will continue to improve unfortunately. This style is the main
There main one. It fits and by the way the PUD will check your house with an AM Radio
It is there main tool. They have better stuff but that is what they like to use go figure.
Every outlet light the new light bulbs CFL LED huge EMF playing there song,
Outlets with bad ground no ground http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index1.html

Learn EMF for health learn it for V2K a EMF meter just shows lights and gives the numbers

an am radio you can hear it. An AM radio can tell you a lot more on 530 if you hear a local

station say 1420 but you are on 530 well there is something wrong.  

EMF Hunting is worth while fo Jr health your ringing ears will thank you. later :0)

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