Posted by SheriGrutz on October 7, 2009 at 10:00pm
When our family or friends will not accept the targeting or the abuse we have faced, they stop being emotionally or mentally available to us, they close off any emotional intimacy we have, but also, we grow accustomed to doing the same thing, since, to be in a state of emotional intimacy, a person has to be at peace with him or her self, the people around you, and the world in general, and this becomes next to impossible for us. They close us off to protect themselves and to protect us, from engaging in further ways of going deep into issues that cannot be explained or accounted for, where we might discover something too scary, too hard to handle, too upsetting.Many of us as targets, press the issue, usually with the world we live in, like with the media, the government, other outlets that we can engage with on a serious and professional level, inviting all kinds of disbelief, turning off, or just blatant anger that we may have interrupted their lives or their day with conspiracy theories. This is not the same as emotional intimacy, or one on one conversation about how we feel, how we cope, how we are doing on a day to day basis with what we face.We need these people in our lives, so its important to stay close to other targets and share what you will for greater closeness and connectedness to our own well-being, and don't close off into isolation. I've just spent the better part of 15 years trying to escape what the world has done to me and in doing so, have not been able to enjoy close, intimate relationships, something I am working on. It would have been great to get married, maybe have more kids, but I just haven't been able to. Peace everyone.