I have made an EMP Generator. I recently used it on myself. It seems to have worked a bit. I am still experiencing some of the familiar signs of my psychotronic torture, yet they are diminished as long as I stay away from electronics that carry the wave such as Televisions, radios and fluorescent light bulbs. Funnily enough I took a part of the light bulb in question apart and used it for the generator.
I Have two Implants that I am aware of and most likely nano tech inside my body via injection. I was thinking of that recently and decided to put this experiment together.
Since the pulse went off I've been feeling better, much more relaxed.
Whether or not it is simply a game they are pulling is up to time to tell. Until then or maybe even despite this, feel free to make your own EMP Generator with my instructions here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Makeshift-EMP-Device/
Hopefully this works for you.
I have made the instructions easy to follow and the parts very easy to source, you may have the "ingredients" in your own homes.
Take some time out of the day and build your own, these could be what fry the chips and nano tech.
I assure you it is not a complicated project, quite simple in fact.
Let me know how it goes.