Step One: Daily Declaration of Intention (resolve the authority problem between Ego And God)
“ My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power, fully completely and totally”
I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!I
STEP ONE in AM or PM: 12 D SHIELD –Learn to Command Dominion of your Energy Space tracks/12 D Seal.mp3
The 12th Dimensional Shield is to prepare your body to receive and hold an increasing flow of higher frequencies The First stages purposed for us in working with the 12 D shield is to achieve a certain level with the following PERSONAL results:
After this has been practiced with commitment and dedication on a regular basis, new levels of awareness will begin to emerge. Let this express itself freely and do your best to allow and do not place judgment on any …..experiences you may have. All of us are unique and may have different variations of experiences.
Depending on your soul gene code, lineage and willingness to be recruited for service to others orientation , you may find after a certain time of working with this technique that you are called to the second stages of building and working with larger fields of 12th dimensional energy. A certain level of personal light integrity must be stabilized in order to be effective to work with the larger 12th Dimensional vortexes. The 12 D Vortex fields are extremely effective at harmonizing personal environments and stabilizing energies such as planetary grid lines. Working to harmonize energy spaces is the next stages of working with the 12 D fields of energy. You can also think of this 12 D energy, in its Platinum color, as the Cosmic Christ Frequency. Still it is a good mental focus technique to practice daily your 12th dimensional divine light shield, which is necessary to prepare your aura, and for the neurological entrainment of our NERVOUS SYSTEMS and energy fields to be receptive to the huge influxes of frequencies that are here and will continue to be forthcoming.
STEP ONE- DAILY GOAL: Monitor and Track your SELF –Awareness – By Cultivating “ THE WITNESS”
The Witness or Observer has no judgment. It allows observation of external events without needing to control the outcome. Stay in the now moment. Practice this intentionally as a daily exercise by monitoring:
Mental Awareness - : Often our minds fall into a groove that has a certain tone or resonance to it. Sometimes our mind is agitated and sometimes our mind is very calm. We are expansive and receptive when we are calm, centered and mentally relaxed. When our mind feels agitated and stirred up, we then become constricted and energetically blocked. Agitation and worry often indicate that we are operating in the active Beta brain wavestate (which is where most adults operate from) .When our mental body and mind feel calm and flowing, it means we are in the more relaxed Alpha brain wave state (where children generally operate from). Try to operate from the Alpha brain wave state as much as possible since that expands and allows more energetic flow into your body. You will experience greater ease in your life and begin to go with the flow, allowing yourself to receive more “spiritual- energetic” support into your daily life.
Self Talk Awareness - : We talk to ourselves all the time. We talk to ourselves over 50,000 times a day and what we say to ourselves determines to a large extent the quality of our lives. When you begin to meditate and hold more periods of inner silence, you will be amazed by the amount of self talk you start to witness sin yourself. Try to begin tuning in as much as possible to what you are saying to yourself in the still places of your very receptive mind.
STEP TWO- DAILY GOAL: The 5 Steps to Negative Ego Reprogramming – How to Shift Gears
The Law of Strength-Exercise to Discipline the Lower Mind
“It is Not God’s Job to control your Mind”
RELABEL - Identify the negative thought or emotion as a distorted pattern of negative ego consciousness.This “Fear” is my Negative Ego. This is not the real me.
REATTRIBUTE - Dis-identify from the thought or emotion as you. You begin to master your emotional states and you can begin to choose. I am the eternal being, not my thoughts or emotions.
REFOCUS - Move yourself out of situation, environment or the trigger for that thought. Go for a walk, listen to music, change your focus. Affirm: Not my will but Divine.
REVALUE- Revalue the power you have given this thought or emotion to rule your life. See it for what it truly IS. Limiting you. Disempowering you. Robbing you of inner peace and fulfillment as a Divine being. (Get behind ME, Ego! I AM that I AM!)
REQUEST Help - Commit to expressing Higher Emotion and Living your Soul Purpose. Ask for help from Spirit. Work your tools. Be here NOW!
Tools: Core Fear matrix removal program, Emotional Clearing Techniques, Affirmations and Decrees, Ascension Meditation treatments, Mantra chant to refocus mind, 12 D sealing, Request Evolution teams to help. Ask guidance to lead you to the perfect resonance technique to assist you now. Breathe.
When you get anxious and notice a self defeating program of your ego taking over, apply breath and self forgiveness..
Emotional Release Technique- Quick
Good Emotional Tool for Immediate Circumstances :
1. Patience ( pause, step back, take a breath..)
2. Surrender to the process (The Divine is at work AGAIN! Do not know why or what.. but okay! I will get myself out of the way)
3. Acceptance (I may not like it, but that is okay, I am at peace because something larger is at work)
4. Forgiveness (Tell the story, feel your feelings, Revalue them and shift perspective)
5. Be Here Now! Be Here Now! Be here Now!
Emotional Release Technique- Catharis
For a complete emotional release you may want to ask yourself a few questions about a few of the social experiences creating frustrations.
After each question is complete and you have answered it ( prefer to write it out) , REPEAT outloud STEP A.
What is your pay off for your disease/pain?:
What people do you need to forgive?
What do you feel guilty for?
Do you have the wisdom to know the difference?
What can you change, what do you need to accept?
Are you being totally honest with yourself?
Even though I feel/ or have this (Answer to each question)______I deeply and completely accept myself.
Use to repattern/refocus every time you have an anxious or negative thought. State it as your intention in the AM when you wake up.
I stand in my truth. I move forward with joy. I have spiritual understanding.
ES Meditation Treatment Support:
Brain Integration Treatment 20 minutes
Brain balancing treatment to connect with the three levels of the Central Nervous System to integrate the hemispheres of the brain into a unified processing pattern. Reset Limbic system, Cingulate gyrus from obsessive or repetitive mental thought patterns. Activate proper Vagus nerve connection from the spinal column and into the pineal and central brain to improve functioning and resistance to mind control.
5D Higher Mind Integration 24.20 minutes
The 5D Higher Mind Integration Meditation. Activate the Higher Mind functions within your 5D lightbody. Expand your mental field intelligence by upgrading the harmonic tone of your 3D mental body to be upgraded to the 5D Soul intelligence level. This will serve to translate information from other levels of your consciousness and support the 2009 5D planetary upgrade.
Clearing of the Mental body fields 38.55 minutes (HD**)
Heavy duty holographic repair to distorted mental body fields and build a sturdy spiritual house foundation. Termination of harmful portals or dimensions creating vulnerability in the mental body fields. Collapsing and removal of implants or distortions of masculine energies relating to mental bodies. Release and removal of Vesica Pisces harnesses to allow merging of inner sacred marriage. Merge of masculine and feminine geometries as well as a call to merge with “twin” counterpart internal and external. Reposition of natural and organic “umbilicus to merge direct with God fields by removing intermediary “ membranes”.
Alpha/Omega clearing 40.48 minutes (HD**)
Heavy and in depth Alpha to Omega Zip Core Clearing when you have more time for sleep integration and recovery ( A “ZIP” clearing is referred to as a “ A-Z”, top to bottom, bottom to top, internal to external, external to internal, 12 Bodies, etc. You do not want to ask for ZIP clearing unless you have time and space to integrate the opening of “zip” clearing files) Release entrapment or obfuscator cords of complex soul or entity bindings ( de-possessions) and assign new gatekeepers for Ascension in Cosmic Christ ( Eternal) Intelligences. Harmonic imprints reinstalled to all layers of 12 primary seed codes of DNA ladder. Protection and cloaking strengthening through the Golden Fleece Buffers ( 8D Monad and 14D fields admin by RA Family) . Remove victim victimizer archetypes and related matrices from the cellular memory sourcing from ancient battles within the history of this Universal Time Matrix. Establish Independent divine right choice of each being to ensure ”Single Soul Occupancy” if so in divine right order and harmony. ( release Indigo 3 or split soul contracts if it is so in right timing)