Mind Control and EM Wave
Polarization Transductions, Part 1
©Copyright 1999 by T.E. Bearden, USA (HERO to the USA and World)
energy domain. This is a dramatic extension to nonlinear phase conjugate optics theory.5 | force upon the cells or any part. E.g., as Pepper6 states, |
Figure 13. Portable first-method treatment unit proposed to the Department of
Defense. For treating and curing mass casualties from terrorist BW
attacks on U.S. population centers.
Special Note This article refers to experimental research techniques which can be detrimental or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled, qualified experimental scientists proceeding under proper laboratory safety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly forinformation to properly qualified and authorized scientists incertified laboratories. We do not propose or condone any use ofthese procedures for nonapproved practice of medicine without alicense. Neither the publisher nor the author are responsiblefor accidents or outcomes in the use of these experimental proceduresand techniques. Any researcher who performs these proceduresand experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and issolely responsible for insuring safety, qualifications, andlegality of the acts and their results. We neither suggest norcondone unauthorized experimentation on human subjects. Suchis a criminal violation of the constitutional rights of thesubject under Federal and State laws, and is both illegal andimmoral. | Abstract For some time we have been repeatedly queried about the technical mechanisms and unusual electrodynamics of advanced mind control research, both in the West and abroad. Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we present a high-level overview of the novel electromagnetic nature of mind operations, mind and bodycoupling, and intent―the induction of physical 3-space EM energy changesinto the brain and nervous system, and into every cell of the body, fromthe mind's time-like coherent operations. We summarize thetime-polarized electrodynamics used to engineer and affect mindoperations and the mind-body coupling loop. Transduction mechanismswhereby differing EM wave polarizations can be transformedone-into-the-other are presented. We give two specific examples oflethal foreign military tests in 1997 of advanced mind control weaponsagainst two military pilots over the central U.S. Some dangers andpotential benefits of the emerging mind control technology are pointedout |
Figure 1. Mechanism that generates a mass's flow through time.
Introduction and Background In quantum field theory, there are four polarizations of photons.1 Using 4-space and the z-direction as the direction of propagation, we have x- and y- polarizations where the 3-spatial energy of the photon is oscillating laterally, in the x- or y- direction. These are transverse polarized photons, as is any combination of the two. The third polarization isalong the z-direction, which is a longitudinal polarization. In otherwords, the 3-spatial energy of the longitudinal photon cannot oscillatein the x- or y- direction, and so it is oscillating to-and-fro alongthe line of motion, z-. The fourth polarization occurs when the energyis frozen in all three spatial dimensions x-, y-, and z- and it cannotoscillate in any of those directions. In that case, the photonoscillates its energy in the t- direction, providing the t-polarizedphoton. We will later discuss how time is actually highly condensedenergy. | For this reason, physicists have erroneously considered mind to be "metaphysical" and nonreal. Indeed, most physicists to one extent or the other are materialists, and consider the "mind" to be nothing but the operations ongoing in a "meat computer." Nonetheless, in the time-domain the time is absolutely real, and it is completelyelectrodynamic in nature. There is no metaphysics involved, and thetemporal domain—along with mind and mindoperations—issimply an erroneously neglected area of physics. In present physics,the notion of mind is comfortably disposed of by imposing the use ofthe "observer" concept, with out ever specifying that the observer hasa consciousness and a mind. Indeed, "observation" is only about whatthat "observer" perceives. Obviously, one has a dramatically crippledphysics if one eliminates that nonobservable called "time." Similarly,one also has a dramatically crippled physics when one eliminates themechanisms and physics ongoing in those time-like and dynamic "things"such as mind, that occupy time and function in it. |
Figure 2. Transduction of EM wave type by successive phase conjugate pairing.
Further, a photon is comprised of angular momentum, therefore of (energy)x(time). It transports both energy and time, not just energy alone. When absorbed by a mass, not only does it "energy-excitation" charge the mass, but also it "time-excitation" charges it, converting the former "mass" to "mass time". Rigorously it is masstimethat emits a photon, not mass. So a mass moves through timein little spurts, by the continual macroscopic addition and subtraction oflittle Dt components. Further, in being driven through time, mass iscontinually altered to masstime (a quite different critter from mass), tomass, to masstime, to mass, etc. | and time-polarized EM waves. This is the rarest form of electrodynamics, almost untouched by Western physicists. |
Figure 3. Interference processes for transducing higher EM wave polarizations
into lower polarization states.
that the Russian KGB energetics10 weapons scientists—particularly those in psychoenergetics11—have known and used methods of transducing one wave polarization into another, for at least two decades. It follows that those same scientists have very probably developed mind engineering and mind control via novel time-polarized EM wave means and a dramatically extended electrodynamics of the time-like mind operations. Russian Mind Control Uses It is apparent that the KGB psychoenergetics weapons scientists know and use the full extended EM wave polarization range. As a postulation, one would expect our own weapons scientists to know and utilize the orthodox transverse wave (TW) EM for similar research and experimentation.However, in the West scientists are just beginning to realizethe importance of a very general (and weaker) type of longitudinal EMwave (LW) polarization, as evidenced by the appearance of dozens ofpapers on "undistorted progressive waves" (UPWs, which are essentiallyimperfect LW s with TW residues remaining). The Los Alamos NationalLaboratory web site has a number of such papers—particularly byRodrigues12 and Lu—available for free downloading. UPWs | have very interesting characteristics. If they were perfect longitudinal EM waves, they would have infinite energy and infinite speed. Since only imperfect UPWs can be physically made, their speed can vary from slower than the speed of light to faster than the speed of light. Their energy can also vary over a great range. |
Figure 4. A spacetime curvature engine has myriads of small ST curvature
components which act upon mass at all levels.
General Relativity Aspects Both these coupling mechanisms can be taken directly from general relativity, if one puts one's mind to it. However, unless the wave polarization transformations are known, it is difficult or impossible to apply the ordinary GR directly, since relativists usually concentrate upon spacetime curvature by altering 3-space energy density rather than by alteringtime-polarized "time-energy" density. | has been filed with the U.S. Patent Office, and formal patent applications are in preparation. Some information on these mechanisms and principles has been released17. Time as Dense EM Energy The advantage of using the time-polarized "time-energy" for spacetime curvature is that time is ordinary energy compressed by a factor of at least c2—which, in the MKS system of units, is some 9¥1016. Thus use of time-polarized EM photons and waves as ST curvature agents gives an amplification of 9¥101640 over the use of transverse-polarized EM waves for that purpose. Inturn, the use of the strong EM force in ordinary TW waves as an agentof ST curvature is already a nominal 10 times as strong as is the weak G force used as the agent of ST curvature. The bottom line is this: For spacetime curvature effects, the use of the t-polarized domain provides amplification of some 9¥1056 greater than the weak G-force ST curvature agent usually considered in general relativity18. Western Science Remains Largely Materialistic Ironically, most Western scientists are materialists and consider "mind" as a mystical and nonscientific concept. They tend to consider mind operations and functions either to be simply "meat computer" operations and functions, or at best to be very weak ordinary transverse-wave EM operations and functions in the brain and nervous system.8 This serious self-limitation exists because in the body we measure onlyweak TW EM operations and functions correlated to biological behavior andbrain operations. We simply do not know how to measure "mindoperations" directly. |
Figure 5. Mind-to body coupling and body-to-mind coupling. |
With no mind measurements possible and no instruments, it is understandable that Western science considers only the physical side of the mind-matter interface. Brute Forcing Time Ironically, Western mind control researchers using transverse EM waves for mind control research, are using a brute force method of evoking and using vacuum engines ( spacetime curvature engines) and a special form of general relativity, although they do not appear to realize it. | They also do not hesitate to use LWs and t-polarized waves overtly. So in blunt terms, Western compared to Russian mind control research is probably like comparing an automobile body shop with a fine surgical ward. Having long ago worked out all those "exact correlates" to the internal "information content of the field" is where the KGB scientistsare at least 20 years ahead of the West. Polarization and Observability As we stated, there are four photon polarizations and therefore there must be correspondingly four EM wave polarizations1 The first three polarizations are the x-, y-, and z- spatial polarizations. The x- and y- polarizations are transverse polarizations and the z-polarization is a longitudinal polarization along the direction of propagation (alongthe z-axis, by standard notation). Simply put, we may visualizethe transverse polarizations as rather like the wiggling of a fish'stail from side to side as the fish moves forward, or a whale's flukes upand down as the whale moves forward, or some combination thereof.We may visualize the longitudinal polarization as a sort of"repetitive accordion effect" along the line of motion of thewave. Usually the z- polarization is neglected in EM wave theory,although in recent years physicists have "rediscovered"longitudinal EM waves and are now intensely researching the use andcharacteristics of such waves.12 |
Figure 6. The three divisions of Soviet energetics and their characteristics.
Unfortunately, in quantum field theory there has been a tendency to regard the t-polarized or "scalar" photon—where the local rate of time is oscillated—as unobservable. Oscillation of the local rate of time produces powerful oscillations of local space-time curvatures, due to the extreme energy density of time. Individually, the t-polarized photon tends to be unobservable. However, a coherent sequential group of such t-polarized photons, each individuallyin the virtual state with respect to the external observer, may simply integratein its interaction with mass over a short time period into observable changebecause of the coherent integration of virtual spacetime curvatures into a larger, observable spacetime curvature. Rotations and Projections in 4-Space Relativistically, any velocity change in 4-space is a rotation. Any such rotation in the time-domain also creates a tiny projection component into 3-space. Any such rotation in the 3-spatial domain also creates a tiny projection component into the time domain. Solution to the Age-Old Philosophical Problem of Intent | solution to the problem of awareness; i.e., how the mind is aware of itself19 and of the responses of the body. Together the two form a closed loop coupling of the mind and body. The time delay in the loop together with memory recall for comparison, creates the sense of "persistence"of self in time. This also creates the sense of being a "separate,closed being" (i.e., of separate persistence in time—inthe living entity). The sense of "separation of self from an externalworld" is created by comparing those body-to-mind sensory feedbackswhich are not correlated to the mind's previous feed-forward intent. Time As Energy and Why It Is Very Dense Energy In addition to the three spatial polarizations of photons and EM waves, there is a very, very useful t-polarization along the time axis. In this polarization, the 3-spatial energy is not oscillating at all. Instead, the time or time-energy is oscillating. Time can be taken tobe energy compressed by at least c2, so it has at least the same energy density as mass.In other words, one second is 9x1016joules of time-energy (energy compressed into time). The t-polarizedphoton or EM wave is called the scalar photon or scalar EM wave,respectively. |
Figure 7. In the 1960s, Lisitsyn revealed Russian scientists had deciphered
the human brain code.
In that system, it appears that any change in time Δt can be taken as always a function of a corresponding change in energy ΔE, where Δt ≤ (ΔE) ÷ c2 [1] from which it follows that ΔE ≥ (Δt)x c2 [2] For convenience, we take the special case where Δt = (ΔE) ÷ c2 [3] ΔE = (Δt)x c2 [4]. We note that all mind operations are time-like, i.e., they are comprised as scalar EM photon functions and scalar EM wave functions. Thus the mind is a very special kind of electromagnetic system, existing in the time domain, and thus "lost" by the stripping away of time in the ordinary observation process. Physical observation isessentially a time-differentiating mechanism applied to a 4-spatialchange, or in terms of MKS fundamental units L and t, observation θ is θ = ∂/∂t(L3t) =L3 [5]. Rotation, Coherent Integration, and Intent Previously we pointed out that any change in a 4-space entity may be regarded as a rotation away from the "trajectory" of the entity. Hence each and every t-polarized change creates a very small projection into 3-space by its rotation slightly away from the time axis. All mind changes in the time-domain actually produce virtual 3-spatialprojections in 3-space (in the physical domain). We define "intent" asthe continued production of successively coherent mental changes,producing coherent virtual changes in the 3-space body system, withcoherent integration of those 3-space virtual changes into observable3-space energy inputs into the 3-space body system. Successivelycoherent mind-changes will produce successively coherent 3-spacevirtual changes. In short, coherent mind-changes will produce coherentintegration of those 3-space virtual projections into an observable3-space change. This is the creation of an ordinary 3-spatial energychange induced upon the 3-space body. In short, this is the mechanismwhereby time-like mental intent is able to produce a series of coherentobservable quantum changes in the physical body (as in the brain andnervous system). The Body as a Servomechanism From the standpoint of control theory, we may consider the body system to be a complex servomechanism system comprised of many subordinate servo systems with feedback and feedforward looping. | mechanism and the resulting "outputs". So a series of coherently integrated "mental intent" changes introduced into the human body's overall servo-mechanism provides the continuing input. From there, ordinary physics will generate the resulting actions induced in the body by that servomechanism and its amplifying mechanisms. Two Coupling Mechanisms Make a Closed Loop This is the "mind-to-body" coupling mechanism. [See Figure 5] It is the mechanism whereby the mind is coupled to the body, and whereby mental intent is able to induce a series of physical inputs into the body servomechanism. All This Is Included in Russian Psychoenergetics This is the highly summarized basis for psychoenergetics, the KGB's division of energetics that deals with the mind and body coupling and functions, and direct engineering of (1) the mind-body coupling and (2) the mind operations directly. [See Figure 6] The KGB intent, of course, has always been to exploit this science for the degradation, killing, and control of human beings, including all humanity. |
time-polarized photons and time-polarized EM waves, do not yet know that. Consequently the Russians have developed a highly secret science of directly engineering the mind and its operations, including thought, images, perceptions, feelings, emotions, memory, and mind processing. Indeed, Lisitsyn23 wrote quite specifically of this capability in the 1960s. [See Figure 7] A B O U T T H E A U T H O R President and Chief Executive Officer, CTEC, Inc. Lieutenant Colonel US. Army (Retired). MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. BS mathematics, Northeast Louisiana University. Graduate of Command & General Staff College, US. Army. Graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officers Course, U. S. Army (equivalent to MS in Aerospace Engineering). Numerous electronic warfareand counter-countermeasures courses. R E F E R E N C E S 1. E.g., see Lewis H Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 1996, p. 147+. For an even deeper discussion of photon polarization, see F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory, Wiley, 1984, under the heading "Covariant Quantization of the Photon Propagator" in Chapter 5. Mandl and Shaw argue that the longitudinaland scalar polarizations are not directly observable, but only incombination, where they manifest as the "instantaneous" Coulomb (i.e.electrostatic) potential. | spacetime that is highly active. The mind is rooted in the time-domain and projects from that domain into 3-space. The body is rooted in the 3-space domain and projects into the time-domain. To "change" or "function" in one domain is automatically to function in the other. EM and gravitational phenomena are still modeled separately by humanscientists, but not by nature. |