what's my advantage?why am i even doing this?TERAWATTS? GIGAWATTS?so much energy to shut down our minds and cause pain to our bodies invisibly.what advantage do I have...why do I have the audacity, the arrogance to feel that I could make any difference, the tiniest dent?it's because it's they who are arrogant.next project -- well, i want to do projects, but it just occurred to me...i have been feeling physically assaulted more and more all summer. much luck to those who manage to feel pep and vigour...i feel ASSAULTED.then it hit me: that's what they want. and what i have been researching to point of exhaustion.i am sure that many people i have encountered in the years i have been researching this are dead now,their messages ghosts in cyberspace, for the forseeable duration.then i hear the evil whispers.then i turn on the MSNBC and i listen to what they DON'T report on, that which I know to be true.and i wonder if i will be dead before there is victory. i wonder if like moses,i will get to the very edge and i will even hear people begin to celebrate and then drop dead.--it's a lie -- A LIE! -- to say that truth hurts.generations of LIES told to create false truth. THAT hurts. the damage is inestimable.i am all but internally hemoragging. generations of lies. but i know what truth is.truth is greater than the foolish lies that have been told.


the HARSH IMPRINTING. little children -- the direct energy weaponology is SO VAST and turned on.everyone is targetted. nothing else but the suppression of any mind --synthetic telepathy and the twisting of people's thoughts.tricking people into thinking that they hate that which they love the most.families torn apart. insanity.i'm actually glad,in a way.for a long time terrible things, their origins in the spirit of DENIAL have happened to causethe worst sort of grief and misery.now it is ordered by technology.it actually makes neutralizing the demon simpler. it's right there and it is called the ACTIVE DENIAL SYSTEM.-Tesla is the classic scientist who had more book brains than streetsmarts.GOD.if only he had chosen friends with more wisdom! what Tesla intended was to use his "radionics" to HEAL THE SICK! and make PERFECT WEATHER!instead, it is being used to amplify the telepathic capabilities of those loyal to DEMON GOVERNMENT and to NULLIFY the brains of those who would stand against it -- people who are rational who seek simply to be free."lightworkers." I laugh sadly at some of the MORONS on line who pretend at such a lofty goal as enlightenment. Rumsfeld is a light worker. A sick, methodological deceptive worker with light.they have lied for generations.there were "programs" in place before I was born. The goal of course to stifle and silence any new thought that might have differed with the diabolical agenda of DEMON GOVERNMENT.karma, fate...these are no excuses. the most DIABOLICAL of arch officials hide behind such euphemisms."Light workers." Bah Humbug. They are idiots.Mr Rumsfeld works with light.In the almost imperceptible electromagnetic spectrum. How they have tried to turn people against their friends?! Like arch liars they insinuate that anyone who can see them must be paranoid.microwaves are part of the light spectrum. Mr Rumsfeld, lurking at the Pentagon. I wish it HAD been destroyed


.i wish there were FLOWERS growing there now. Damn them.microwaves are part of the light spectrum. simply invisible to most human eyes.also millimeter waves, the wavelengths that come out of the ACTIVE DENIAL SYSTEM,an evil little device made for causing pain to people in the line of sight of the operators.But not even THEY knowhow far beyond the earth's atmosphere such invisble light travels. THEY DON'T KNOW THE EXTENT OF THEIR EVIL MAGIC and simply do not care. True human evil at work in the world.as much as I would like to KICK RUMSFELD UNTIL HE WAS DEADit is more important that the practically penultimate criminal against humanity stand before the International Court of Justice for his crimes. Slobodan Milosevic did so. Robert Mugabe is afraid of the ICJ. And Alberto Fujimori went to JAIL for Abuse of Power. The United States' criminals are no more immune to international justice. That's why I'm here.


light waves. the electromagnetic spectrum."Light workers." so impotent and so full of shit.they need HOT COFFEE ENEMAS.
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