Explanation of Delusions, some Religious Cults

Based on some older posts, some people experience what they think are weird delusions like colors peeling off, etc. This is a multi-faceted targeting program, and your tap water has probably been compromised with CIA drugs added, so only drink bottled water, and brush your teeth with bottled water. The notes to the 1992 Akwei vs NSA lawsuit exposed how this program has a network of undercover plumbers that modify the plumbing to allow psychotic or other drugs to be put into the tap water. So always use bottled water to avoid fungal, bacterial, or psycotic drug sabotage.The CIA likes to create front operations, sometimes using religious organizations as a cover for their operatives. Always be cautious, and evaluate what they tell you using logic and reason. The CIA is extremely skilled in manipulation and subtle psychological warfare, and its done with a smile, so be careful.
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  • If you notice a lot of construction that starts appearing in the neighborhood, somehow it's related to this program. I don't know if the construction crew know what is going on, or maybe their work is modified after they leave for the day, but it is somehow tied to this program.
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