They at once again paralyse the webpage by which I send this email letter to Prime Minister of Canada regarding their ongoing brutality and evil.
Canada was the first country to announce one aeroplane carrying all Canadians was shot down by missile. Great!
Again, they immediately disable one temporary secure email box after one International Human Rights lawyer of Human Rights Center contacted me. They immediately shut down my internet when sending online fax to UN Human Rights Council and UN Human Rights Office.
UNs and ICC prosecutor urge Sudan to hand over Darfur suspects
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
International Court of Justice
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer
CC :
Contact :
Temporary email :
One of my neighbors, at least 2 Philippine couples, Kuna couple( they both) still enter my house by wearing invisibility cloaks when I sleep ; still bridge my home internet ; immediately hided their cars after I reported them to Canadian Government last month.
Here is repeated advertisement about Canadian Government's responsibility.
Canada was the first country to announce one aeroplane plane carrying all Canadians was shot down by missile. Great.
However, Canadian Government and the Supreme Court of Canada can not figure out and can not stop what happened and what are happening to me in Ontario of Canada after I reported it to Prime Ministers of Canada and Canadian Government 17 years ago and right now. They have committed terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra for nearly 20 years. By them, actually by everything possible , they continue attacking and remotely controlling my heart rate, my hearing, my head and my body as Canadian Government donates about 7 million dollars to UN Human Rights Office and as they swear to protect human rights for the whole world. So, I can't work, sleep, and live normally everyday.
UN Human Rights Council
Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3
Plus, you must have everything I provided.
Who are they?
my neighbors, at least 2 Philippine couples,
who are now again wearing invisibility cloaks to enter ( without opening any doors) and hide in my house to do everything possible, evil and brutal. Something in my house "told" me. Around 8 years ago, floor vibration lights "told" me they wore invisibility cloaks to poison me and forcibly inject me. Up till now, they have not told what they injected into my body to me and to us;
who are still bridging my home internet to do everything you can't imagine, ( invisibility cloaks)
, those who are gathering around and in my work place
, those who are driving aircrafts
, those who...
Please see what those neighbors are doing.
When sitting in back yard :
Their curtains were moving when I took picture:
They are now hacking anyone no matter who you are, UN, International Human Rights Community, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court, and everything I am using, hacking my phone's SMS after I gave you my phone number! However , here are our emails between UN Human Rights Office and me:
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax and , thanks.