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First response to the Canadian Government's statement regarding our petition, which stated in its response to us: " The Government has no information on any such  activities."
Its response can be found in here:
1 ) 2011 Non Lethal Capabilities International Trade Show and Conference hosted by Canadian Department of National Deface.
2) Non-Lethal Weapons Facing International Humanitarian Law     ICRC-The International Committee of the Red Cross
Science & Technology Committee of NATO regarding the use of non lethal weapons against civilians
"Discussions on the use of "non-lethal" weapons in situations involving riot-control, hostage-rescue, peacekeeping and peace-enforcement operations, as well as in traditional warfare situations, have so far focused mainly on the technology and engagement doctrine of these new weapons - see the Assembly's report "Non-Lethal Weapons" by Lord Lyell, General Rapporteur [AP 238 STC (97) 8]. The ICRC experts have studied both the effects of "non-lethal" weapons on health and how they would be used in the light of international humanitarian laws. According to their conclusions, presented by Dr. Robin Coupland, all references to "lethal" or "non-lethal" oversimplify the effects of weapons and are therefore misleading. The so-called "non-lethal" weapons (such as infrasound, electromagnetic waves or sticky foams) can indeed have severe effects on health depending on the circumstances in which they are deployed or on their possible combination with existing conventional weapons. According to ICRC, the military use of "non-lethal" weapons against civilians could undermine the existing norms of international law pertaining to armed conflict as well as the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention and the 1925 Geneva Protocol. The organisation recommended that current efforts to integrate "non-lethal" weapons into operations of armed forces should address more properly the legal, health and tactical implications of doing so."
Defence Research and Development Canada stated the followings below regarding the use of Non Lethal Weapons: Its Taxonomy available now. (Page 148) Legal and Ethical Constraints (Page 8)
3 ) 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament in Geneva Re.Non Lethal Weapons
4 ) Statement from Canadian Government Re Exotic Weapons.
"Numerous analysts studying these issues have stated that discussion is long overdue and should begin immediately, particularly with more transparency, accountability and information available to the public in several countries. The domestic and international implications of the use and misuse of several exotic weapons and nonlethal variants are serious and require a higher priority by the Canadian government and international fora."
5 ) Non lethal weapons, mind Control Weapons, psychotronic weapons
The 2002 UNIDIR endorsement of a Mind Justice article on nonlethal, emr, and mind control weapons, and nonconsensual experiments Mind control weapons are a serious enough threat to be included along side nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons in a document published by the UNIDIR.17 The "2002 Media Guide to Disarmament in Geneva" was compiled to help the Geneva-based media bring disarmament issues "to the attention of the wider world." Mind Justice is one of six non-lethal weapons experts cited by UNIDIR. Others include Human Rights Watch, International Committee of the Red Cross, and University of Bradford Department of Peace Studies. The Media Guide includes a nonlethal weapons "links" section to the Center for Defense Information, the University of Bradford, Nonlethal Weapons Research Project, and to my article, "Nonlethal Weapons: A Global Issue."18 In the article I present numerous comments and warnings by international experts and public figures about mind control weapons. The article presents specific allegations regarding nonconsensual government experiments and classified nonlethal weapons which target the brain and nervous system, or as they are popularly known by the emotionally charged term, "mind control." Called information and psychotronic weapons in Russia and China, mind control weapons are included in the category of nonlethal weapons in the 2002 Disarmament Guide.

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