
Buddhism does not SPEAKS OF BLACK ELEPHANTS! We have an elephant and "focus" on the great room AWARENESS! At the time of the Nazi regime cruel and bloody experiments with people of all ages were performed ..

The ladies and gentlemen who performed the supervision of these investigations "abductees" in concentration camps were saved and "wash them" face to keep experimenting with people in other countries and protected by governments form.

global events for papers grounded in suffering and sorrow too many people marked by hatred.

This today no one remembers that not interested.
A film about paperclip project would help us understand how science has used prisoners in concentration camps to be used as human guinea pigs.

In Catalonia people are too busy with Buddhist meditation and letting the universe take over the human karma.

Perhaps in other regions of the world people are more receptive to public denunciation.
I am a "victim" of ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT telemetry psychotronic and I are used to remotely psychiatric research.

TEDDIES CONCERN without shame.

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