for gene pegged poem free

you talked of hypothesis
a why an explanation
no voices in your skull
to end a relation
everyday seems different
with pain maybe severe
emotional wreck
living with tears
physical torture
different levels of pain
trying to live
who is to blame
emotional wreck
not aloud to work
try to make money
driving you berserk
simplicity and honesty
not fiction,but fact
something inside you
under attack
so what are they hiding
mounts to alot
something in your past
or have you forgot?
so now your life is lived
with uncertain
take a step back
whats behind the curtain
amoment of anger
what for
faced with a problem
mind uncertain not sure
but problems exist
with terror and pain
discover yourself
to even your name
take back what you fight for
even ending in tears
something to hide
gone are the years
so what do they want
as you seek you shall find
close your eyes
open your mind
feeling wrestless
weight on your shoulder
is it pains
or to make you look older
think back to the days
before this all started
did you stumble on something
possible relationship parted?
answers to questions
you must seek the answer inside you
to be reborn again
so your life will start from new
saint or a sinner
no answers at all
your health
more important
tumble and fall
seek your soul
and life will be better
make a diary
or write a letter
what are they after
that question we all seek
draining your body
making you weak
some of us are different
as answers no one knows
try to destroy you
on the surface it shows
be strong in your wisdom
focus no matter how small
regain your life back
bang your head off the wall
is devil and evil
not science or fate
believer in one
get rid of the hate
once you find ur true inner self
then will come fortune
and so will your health
no matter what they want you to see
life your life the best way you can
eventually free


best wishes love lots


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