An uncle who's in on the harassment on me (who suddenly amassed "wealth" right after he and his wife started to "tell stories" meant to destroy my relationship with other family members) and a cousin came here three time to mention the "stuff" they left here which they said they are gonna get but actually did not get. The other day another cousin also looked for the same "stuff".
These are the very people who communicated with a former workplace via another uncle to supposedly ask for news about me, etc. Quite weird when the last time we met, they were almost forcing me and my kid to the streets, insulting us as if we were not people who also could get hurt (the time I was still looking for work but could not be mobile because I had to look after my kid). And suddenly they'd contact me for small chitchat to give the impression to the one I was working for that it was ok for them to contact or ask them about me? What the!
I woke up coughing again and it felt like dust was sprayed on me. The same time I did, my kid was fidgeting in distress. The animals too, on top of the cage where they placed "the stuff they left" on was too noisy, also seemingly in distress.
I do not care what they are gonna say their part in the game now. Shift in the roles , from harassers to tip-givers and vice versa does not remove the fact that they know about the harassment and they are willing players on it, toying with us as part of their game instead of directly telling me what they know about the abuse.
The other cousin is the one I saw in the place where I got my kid's nanny, the one who was harming her and was sabotaging me inside and making sure I do not get important calls even at home. In the office, they were the ones blocking and filtering my call. It was such a "stroke of coincidence" that they were in the same place as the nanny would be when that place is far-flung away from any of our areas, more so that he was supposed to be in the metro, 12-14 hours away from that place.
I've observed this cousin's involvement in so many instances: positioning the pc camera right where my kid and I are at in a manner they plan to be unobtrusive but which I have observed still,etc...
This cousin's involvement on the harassment dates back to the years I was in school when his sister was my main perp, contacting people in my circle and spreading stories that would make them attack me.
His brother is the link to a lot of my main perps.
These siblings would appear in or near the buildings I've been staying in and would say they have some friends there.
I have been a targeted individual for over 34 years. My family is also targeting me as well. Do you have anyone in the family who is Military or a Policeman? They family are also stealing money from me. (don't let them take your compensation for being chipped) and the Government says the targeted individuyals will receieve a compensation for being a Human Subject for a Human Rights Research Experiment funded by our own Governments. My family will lie about me but the truth will come out...I have never been mislabled scitzo or any other mantal state. I do NOT have Guardian and I am a Veteran who is a widow and I am 100% sure that I am targeted by the the perpatrators who only care about the award for doing this to us and getting away with it all these years.