Markus Bott [Deceased assassinated on July 11th 2009 in Karlsruhe/Germany ]
Caso 006 : Maurizio Bassetti - Male (Roma) 2004 [Deceased 2010]
Caso 009 : P.S. - Male (Veneto) began 1995 [Deceased 2007]
Alfredo Nieto - foundator Aesvae [Deceased 2010]
What's do you think in the list the word DECEADES and year of decess?
By chance, you have ideas to make the list more transparent for future generations and for the other victims, still alive, and for new victims, who are in Mind Kontrol, a year or two, or for the victims , vher will be chosen in the future?
I find it hard to understand them all.
Facebook, asks for a death certificate, to make an account memorial.
Beware of trolls. They can send, false announcements of death.
Predict the moves of the small gang of scammers, etc. cyberkiddys.
I am very suspicious and distrustful.
We need to protect our personal data, from petty criminals autonomous, that are not part of a criminal association. The street thugs. The thugs of the internet.
SCAMMERS, PHISHINGH etc etc is not good for our :-/
We are easy target every for this kiddys :-/ and "saLAMER" that is not ETICAL HACKER.
Now we are in 2013. Facebook has globalized internet.
The list is 10 years old. It has been updated. 10 years ago, there was no facebook.
Facebook is useful, but it is also dangerous. Even a car is useful but it is dangerous if used by ... (metaphor)
Name surname, phone, email, adress. ATTENTION.
Un proverbio italiano: "Questo è il rovescio della medaglia". nel 2013 grazie a facebook. All globalized and alsoi CRIMINALITET is GLOBAL !!!
I apolgyze fùr my bad language. Also today, I am very limp-slack.
Ok, No problem. I hope that you understunding, my reason.