From Dr Rosalie Bertell/How do we turn it around

Acknowledge that war is not a natural human trait, but rather a learned human behavior.

Embrace Justice and International Equity as a way of Peace.

Unmask the self destructive tendencies of War Making.Freeze Military Budgets at the current level and reduce them every year by 20% putting the savings into UN currency that can only be used for Human NEEDS, & Environmental Cleanup.

Learn to love and appreciate ALL biological Organisms....and the intricacies of the web of Life!

Teach your Children to Make Peace, to break the habit of anger and violence.

See Yourself as One with your Planet HOME, a child of the Universe capable of feeling a blow to any part of

the life System anywhere in the UNIVERSE. 

The web of life is intricately CONNECTED and Fragile. Fracture it and we are all Doomed.

AND FROM JURASSIC PARK: Dr Malcolm said he was staggered by the lack of humility of mankind before Nature. Men wielding an awesome power,"like a kid who just found his Dads Gun"


The lack of Humanity exchanged for Power, it breaks my Heart and I know all of you truly understand. It is really something that has consumed me my whole life, maybe just the lack of humanity, I really thought by the time I died I would be "wise" confusion gone. I think when that day occurs I will be no different. I understood Jesus a while ago, nothing has changed. I pray every night for life, eight years now. I pray for you and your children too.


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  • Thank you! And I learned something new today - I researched Dr. Bertell. She is amazing.


    Be well.

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