Hello you all, as we do not want to get stucked in miserable situations some more years (365  days a year) I just post here some suggestions about actions that could be carried on to help us expose crimes we are the victims of and get an end to this. You probably have thought already of many of them I just list some, mainly in addition to all actions already taken by TIs: -organize a comprehensive meeting or demonstration inviting all TIs plus Anonymous, could be in NY/Washington London or both. You may write to organizations like PP or FFCHS to get together and suggest a date to everyone. We would maybe get then some media coverage and we could share ideas, experiences and elaborate some further actions -for geeks: create a website allowing navigation in all mind control-TIs related webs...ites create a website dedicated to the listing of tasks that could be performed by TIs to enhance TIs situation, organize collaborative works, distribute tasks, form groups -organize donations to seek support from consulting firms to help us get mainstream -we could also write in a coordinated manner to deputies and senators to have a reopening of MK Ultra hearings (+bioethics commission) -make a paper magazine, would be nice to have a magazine made by TIs for TIs, without the need to have scientific proofs all the time -make a phone book like alumni's -actually making a website storing all documents published on this group -... Take care
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