Cross-Country California Driver Raising Awareness About “Targeted Individuals” Jailed in Connecticut on High BondPosted on October 29, 2016 | Leave a commentRamola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted 10/29/2016Yoon Shin’s CelicaOn Tuesday, Oct 25, Yoon Shin, who has been driving across America since early June in his blue Toyota Celica covered with informative text to raise awareness about “Targeted Individuals” but was arrested in early August in Stamford, Connecticut, was given the verdict of “Not Competent but Restorable” at a Stamford court hearing.This presumably follows on a mental health evaluation by the court, and a new court date of December 27 has been set. The court’s Public Defender, Benjamin Aponte, declined to provide information beyond this finding this week by the judge.Yoon ShinMany questions remain however regarding the nature of the charges under which Yoon Shin continues to be held, the true nature of his mission, the unnaturally high bond amount that has been posted in his case, and the reasons for his mental competency evaluation.Arrested in Stamford, Connecticut in AugustAs per news reports at the Stamford Advocate, Yoon Shin, whose vibrantly decorated car was seen near Westhill High School about 9:30 am on Thursday, August 11, was arrested shortly after, close to a Jewish synagogue, Temple Beth El. A lacrosse game was being played at the high school then, as part of a six-day sports and art festival in Stamford at the time, the JCC Maccabi Games and ArtsFest.Police had been apprised earlier, on Wednesday, of Yoon Shin’s car by Riverdale Jewish Center in Bronx, New York, which was circulating a warning sent out on August 8 to Jewish communities (excerpted below) by a network named the Secure Community Network, The Official Homeland Security Initiative for the American Jewish Community. Yoon Shin was characterized in that warning as possibly being of threat to Jewish institutions since he had been visiting Jewish schools and synagogues on his cross-country drive across several states, from California, and had posted videos online expressing anti-Semitic sentiments.Excerpt/Aug 8 Warning Sent to Jewish CommunitiesYoon Shin has been held in custody at Osborn Correctional Institution since then, on charges of trespass, breach of peace, and incitement to injury, with an initial bond of $5,000, which was raised very quickly by Friday, August 12 by Superior Court Judge Auden Groggins to a much higher $15,000, payable only in cash. According to reports, police accusations of anti-Semitic threats online and charges of incitement to injury to property in addition to his out-of-state status influenced the judge’s decision to increase the bond considerably.The competency evaluation mentioned above was requested then by the Public Defender, Benjamin Aponte.Grogins agreed with Aponte’s request to have Shin undergo a competency evaluation to determine if he understands the charges against him and can assist in his own defense. “ The Stamford Advocate, August 12The Anti-Semitic Charge Versus The Mission to PrayAs reported, in response to the charge of anti-Semitic threats, Mr. Aponte notified the court that Mr. Shin had been praying for rather than threatening damage to the Jewish temple and its visitors. Mr. Shin himself was disallowed from speaking in his own defense at the court.“Shin’s public defender, Benjamin Aponte, told Grogins his client traveled to the East Coast for spiritual purposes. He said Shin was praying in his car near Temple Beth El on Roxbury Road Thursday morning in an effort to rid the synagogue of evil spirits.Grogins told Shin not to speak during the hearing and allow his attorney to represent him. She warned that anything he said in court could be used against him.” The Stamford Advocate, August 12While traveling across America, between June and August, Mr. Shin had posted videos online to Youtube, Facebook, and later to DailyMotion, charting his progress, video-journaling his experiences, and expressing his views. Several aspects of this journaling stand out, in any cursory examination of these videos, including his rather colorful language, his interest in traveling to Jewish temples and Montessori schools to say “cleansing” prayers, his distress at encountering continuous roadblocks on his trip, and his aversion to totalitarian systems of power traceable in his view to notions of world domination, Zionism, and the text, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.West Bloomfield, Michigan Roadblock/Orgonite on Dashboard/Image from videoHe records moving his car on request on one occasion in Illinois to be off the property of a school while still saying his prayers for the school from his car, and, although expressing religious bias, does not appear (in his videos) to engage in the kind of inciting or threatening behavior the Stamford police accused him of, and in fear of which, presumably, a Stamford judge ratcheted up his bond amount.Raising Awareness for Targeted Individuals or TIsIt must be noted in fact that Yoon Shin’s intention and mission for the trip, as stated in an early video titled “Raising Awareness for Targeted Individuals” may have been just that, the desire to take his car, with its artistically-rendered typography across cities and towns, to provoke conversations and proffer information about the gross violations of human rights endured today by those targeted covertly and blacklisted wrongfully by the American Surveillance State, and whose plight is deliberately being kept from open and honest coverage by controlled mainstream media.His trip, in fact, originating from Venice Beach in California, and intended to culminate in New York, which he spoke about in this brief video, is not unlike that of former US Navy Officer David Voigts’ cross-country trek across the USA, also intended to raise awareness about Targeted Individuals, who, according to Voigts, are victims of covert government human-machine-interface brain experimentation run by unscrupulous military/corporate groups and Intelligence agencies.Targets, Weapons, and Covert Surveillance WorldwideThis is also not a purely American problem, the issues of Targeted Individuals and covert targeting with remote EMF radiation and sonic weapons (characterized variously as mind-control weapons, psychotronic weapons, electronic weapons, and non-lethal weapons) which produce excessively damaging health effects from a distance, are worldwide, and have been recorded in countries in Europe, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, as well as in China, India, Russia, the Middle-East, South Africa, and elsewhere.While controlled mainstream media and editors at sites such as Wikipedia still work hard to discount the existence of such weapons, alternative media outlets, citizen journalists, human rights activists, and hundreds of TIs from around the world report online on these subjects, military news on Electronic Warfare periodically reports on such “non-lethal” weapons, and DARPA and NIH increasingly publish notification of brain experimentation contracts and projects.Regrettably, failures in this arena by mainstream media and psychiatry combine to keep the court system in the dark about classified remote-neuroweapon projects and covert targeting, causing those like Yoon Shin whose paths cross with the court system to be subjected to mental health evaluations when publicizing targeting.Targeting with Remote Technologies Will Inevitably Be Universally RecognizedThis lack of understanding may be about to change though, as issues of Targeting become increasingly known. Organizations such as the US Coalition Against Covert Harassment, the World Coalition Against Covert Harassment, and the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies and many others, worldwide, continue to educate the public and challenge the totalitarian systems of power and secrecy running these programs of political control and experimentation on innocent citizens.Notably, in recognition of the possible usage of advanced classified weaponry in these areas, and to explore the claims of Targeted Individuals of being assaulted covertly with remote radiation weapons, NSA whistleblowers and technical data experts William Binney and Kirk Wiebe have recently published their interest in leading a data analysis project, mapping symptoms reported by TIs to intended bio-effects and capabilities of patented surveillance devices and technology.Yoon Shin May Need AssistanceThese efforts may be too far off in the future however for Yoon Shin, who is currently locked up in Osborn and may require the attention of a conscientious public to rescue him from what seems in many ways to be an unjust and concerning situation.To be targeted with covert remote technologies includes being targeted in any location by directed-energy from satellites, and Mr. Shin has spoken about such targeting in his videos. The irony and misfortune of his being incarcerated currently while seeking to raise public awareness of the plight of Tis cannot be ignored. Many in prison have spoken of experiencing “electronic harassment” in prison, including David Fratus, and more recently, a few of the Guantanamo prisoners.Mr. Shin’s own care and concern for other Targeted Individuals comes through in his videos, where he has left messages of appreciation and kindness for many he has encountered on his travels, exhorting viewers to explore spirituality and energy healing, like himself, and explore the making of orgonite, an easy-to-make energy healing device which he believes helps positively energize and cleanse environments. (He had in fact been carrying materials (such as metal shavings, small copper coils, resin, plastic mould) in his car to make his orgonite, which Stamford police had bomb-sniffing dogs brought in to investigate.)It is possible the high bond amount of $15,000 in cash may be reduced in appeal to the judge via the Public Defender by Yoon Shin’s family, who are encouraged to explore this possibility.Given too that Yoon Shin—whose friends on Facebook have nothing but praise for him–did not engage in any acts of violence, nor issued forth threats of violence, but was engaging in peaceful acts of prayer, even as he colorfully and candidly expressed his views, the charges of incitement of injury and the very high bond amount do not seem warranted; is this a wrongfully incarcerated American charges against whom should be dismissed? In this era of privatized prisons and profits for incarceration, it falls upon an informed and aware civil society to speak out and make a difference—particularly in the case of an already-victimized “Targeted Individual”.Citizens and human rights advocates who can help are encouraged to contact Mr. Shin at Osborn. Correspondence may be addressed to Yoon Shin, Inmate Number, Osborn Correctional Institution, 335 Bilton Road, POB 100, Somers, CT 06071. (Please call the Osborn CI at (860) 814-4600 for the Inmate Number.)This story will be updated further as information comes in.Related:Yoon Shin’s video-journals on Youtube and on DailyMotion.Yoon Shin’s introductory video: Raising Awareness for Targeted Individuals.Web page for Osborn CI.Silent Weapons for Quiet WarsJFK’s Secret Society SpeechResourcesNSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide October 16, 2016City Council Votes to Ban Mind Control Weapon Use Against Residents/Truthstream MediaFormer US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic WarfarCrWar
I follow his movements if he is doing a very important work on exposing the gangstalking in a light were many in America would never think because of their conditioning from their childhood. He is doing such am important work. Yes his words are at times curse-words 4 letter words. If anyone has started to write him or talks with him on the phone-please contact me-I would be of interest in helping him get his message more Media attention TV & Radio shows. Also if he needs temp housing - I can help finding a place for him. In Jesus Christ Services Wayne Morin Jr 11/1/16 Wayne Morin Jr Interviews Bob Fletcher Investagtions Ive been fighting this fight back on paper about myself being a TI into the 70s!
I follow his movements if he is doing a very important work on exposing the gangstalking in a light were many in America would never think because of their conditioning from their childhood. He is doing such am important work. Yes his words are at times curse-words 4 letter words. If anyone has started to write him or talks with him on the phone-please contact me-I would be of interest in helping him get his message more Media attention TV & Radio shows. Also if he needs temp housing - I can help finding a place for him.
In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr
Wayne Morin Jr Interviews Bob Fletcher Investagtions
Ive been fighting this fight back on paper about myself being a TI into the 70s!