From your deep blue eyes

From your deep blue eyes

Love emanates from your deep blue eyes
You are the one who created everything in the sky
You are the one who created this world
But because of the fall of mankind it has become a death world

Yet you chose to be born as one of us
Doing everything you can to redeem us
Giving wings to those who have the spirit of repentance
And you are always there for those who need guidance

You came to this death world
As one of us
Yet most in this world
Do not know you as the Redeemer of us

They reject you
They mock you
Such cruelty
Such folly

Yet you are here to free
From slavery
Shaping mankind's destiny

A Holy Love
A Divine Love
From Heaven above
My Saviour my Beloved

Originally dated October 31, 2014 at 23:22.

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