Tom’s Blog on gang stalking and its reference to
Prince William & Katie’s nurse Jacintha Saldanha suicide.
These perpetrators go to such lengths to get into a persons life, for the sole purpose to ruin them and this talk show prank is a perfect example of it. Australian radio DJs, Mel Greig and Michael Christian deliberate targeted nurse Jacintha Saldanha on the basics of here position. As a nurse working for the Royalty and that of a national figure has a responsibility; One that which anyone in her position would carry. This burden is called reasonably prudent person legally speaking of course, basically stating that a reasonably prudent person can be anyone. Person working for the royals would be in the position to protect secrets of national interest. Such interests are that of nation defense and security. So this prank there for would be an, attach on that which is National defense and security. The questions is, who are these people, and how do they acquire this information of intelligence. Do they realize what caliber they are working at? I will state that yes as reasonably prudent perpetrator would in there position would know exactly what they are doing.
This Targeted person, Jacintha Saldanha, was trying to do the best job that she could. Then realizing what has happened; that these people ruined her life and that she could not get a job after this incident to support here children that the only resolution was to take her life. So in this case I will hold these perpetrators, the ones working for the radio station and all them marry folks that participated in this act accountable for manslaughter of Jacintha Saldanha, and be tried in court as that. Tank you Perpetrators for showing your true colors.
Sincierly, Thomas Mroczkowski
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