The perpetrators are doing much more than follow the targeted victim around. And, it’s a criminal offense. It is carried out by Community Watch Groups with American Nazi Party participation.
Gang stalking (also called "group stalking," "terrorist stalking," "vigilante stalking," "organized stalking," "cause stalking," "community-based harassment," and "mobbing" [at the workplace]) is a total-assault paradigm, a parallel "justice system." It is psychological warfare using STASI/KGB tactics to isolate and marginalize the target. The GS paradigm includes (but is not limited to):
· verbal threats.
· pets are killed.
· physical assault.
· derogatory name calling.
· law enforcement, fire fighter participation.
· stalkers are told they are doing a community service.
· residences are vandalized with no sign of forced entry.
· the stalkers commit crimes and blame them on the target.
· targets are harassed while driving, and vehicles are sabotaged.
· civic organizations recruited in sync w/citizen informant groups.
· home and car wiretapping, computer hacking, and hidden video surveillance.
· the stalkers use lies, money, and intimidation to get non group members to participate.
· a large group of stalkers each of whom does a portion of the stalking (spying) – attacks.
· black and white patrol cars, fire dept. vehicles, FedEx trucks show up everywhere the target goes.
· "noise campaign": very frequent sounds (sirens, car alarms, beeping sounds, loud engine accelerations,
loud booming sounds [from vehicles], etc) which follow the target everywhere.
· persistence: the stalkers follow the target as he/she moves to other cities or states.
· goals: Identify, Vilify, Nullify, and Destroy the target: from "Cause Stalking" by David Lawson
· many of the attacks are synchronized to happen precisely as the target does something, e.g. leaves his/her residence.
· 24 hour surveillance, every day. Among other things, the stalkers, working in shifts, sit in their vehicles parked around the target's residence.
· disinformation: stalkers will present themselves as gang-stalking victims and make bizarre claims to discredit real victims and mislead the public.
· Financial lynching by way of sabotage of private property such as electronics, clothing, constant car vandalism, bank overcharges, hidden fees, recurring charges and even expropriation of large sums of money where access is gained to target’s financial institution.
· "slander campaign": The foundation of gang stalking. The stalkers go to everyone the target interacts with (family members, coworkers, neighbors, cafés, shop keepers) and spread lies that the target is a bum, or some type of criminal who needs surveillance. This is an effective tactic because most people can't even imagine that a stranger would lie to them.
· the stalkers present themselves as members of a "civic organization" which works with law enforcement and monitors terrorists or other criminals. The stalkers may use fake badges or fake "official files" to convince people that the target is a criminal.
· the stalkers target people they see as not conforming to their world view; i.e., members of "left-wing" (e.g. peace, civil rights, environmental) organizations, whistleblowers, journalists, dissidents, former government and military employees – many of whom ticked off someone with connections to someone in a position of authority within the Government Complex that this ruthless criminal system is networked into and who have the resources to “get even.” There is a powerful, influential group of so-called power elites who want to change everything you believe in and stand for. Targets of opportunity are the disabled, elderly, young girls, single women and men. Harassing young girls and single women is sport for these criminals and as citizens you should be outraged that it is going on in your community.
A virulent form of domestic terrorism is destroying the lives of innocent citizens across America. Law enforcement agencies are involved to varying degrees with statistics showing more often than not they will see to it that the target is labeled “mentally ill” to deflect the truth of what is really going on.
RESOURCES: Terrorist Stalking in America (2001) by David Lawson; Cause Stalking (2007) by David Lawson P.I., the BEST single source of information on GS.;
Protectors of Privilege by Frank Donner;
Web Site ; My Life Changed Forever: The Years I Have Lost as a Target of Organized Stalking, by Elizabeth Sullivan, @`
I am very stupid when it some to physics and chemistry and biology. Unfortunately I know almost nothing about these fields. What I know is just small things, i've read but not more:((((
I wrote diaries always on my computer and they stole 3 of them. The lap top I had before this one, got "distroyed" under a moment I was out with it and wasn't looking.
Even a memory card with my diary on it and all i had written got distroyed, so a lot of documentation "before" i found out they use weapons at a distance is gone.
You know, I started to write a petition to the justice department in sweden and one of the complaints was that "we never even get a vacation"and I think that they temporarly gave me a little vacation as well, but it depends on what I am doing.
I don't know if it matters if it is facebook or only this forum - for them it is the same because they can see in real time what we do and write and so on. They see what we see, through our eyes. I know this for sure because if i wear sunglasses and gaze directly at a perp, exactly he or she would turn his/hers head.
I feel also self centered sometimes when they use this on me, and it happens that I reread a comment of my own several times for some reason. It's like i like the feel and sound of it (in my mind).
Same happens to you?;)))
And they have stolen too money from me, and my clocks that I buy will break or get destroyed, they also want me to buy unnecessary stuff, and so on. My eating patterns can also be controlled. And when I wash my things, they can sometimes be dirty - like they put some kind of white thing on black clothing even if the quality is good. I don't know about laser guns though, never thought about it, I don't know if they use it on my things.
That is a lesson - Never buy shoes that you haven't tried them on directly from the box that you have in front of you!!!
Another time, the same teacher, gave us books and to quickly decide by looking through the book if the book was of any worth. I had a difficult time to concentrate. But the title was something like: "Sovjet spying" or "Spying on the Sovjet union". They asked us what we thought and I was scared: I thought I would make a fool of myself. I was first to answer and he asked about the book and I said: "Maybe this spying stuff is somehow interesting and fascinating but this book actually is about - myth creations with the help of this spies" The teacher started to smile and I guess that he thought that I had realized something - that I was targeted. (They knew about it, one of the teachers started the "stalking" actually just one week before it started for real. I was out with a friend and she showed up suddenly - they want you to know that they support it for some reason). So I was right about the content of the book - that also involved Michele Foucault's thinking - that reality is created throgh discourses.
And, from time to time, I would think about something and someone else will say exactly the same thing (especially here in this group) and some times, I would hear what i've just talked about on TV, sometimes with the exact same words.
So yeah! It happens!
Another time