My Perps and the authorities, over the surveillance equipment, have asked me to get rid of a £1 book mentioning Novichok, and because I contacted OPCW to let them know our British Government knew about Novichok - they are not happy if I am in possession of a book mentioning Novichok. The books were published in 90's and 00's before the Salisbury Scandal!
I have been sprayed like Sergei Skirpal in Fleet and we've had chemtrails sprayed here. So that's our latest from Fleet in Hants.
We've also been discussing Hot boxes over the street theatre - with people interjecting about it. FEMA in USA and their hot box meals and sweatbox architecture - hot cells in summer and cold hypothermia in winter. Hot box meals contracted out and no Army catering Corps on site to make those meals or agriculture in the camp to provide it at a cheaper cost. The evidence has been put on google images of people being shot, plastic duel purpose coffins, and a targeted individual sign in the death camp and leaked plans of architecture complete with gas chambers. I've got it all on my stick!!! Here is my theory on why meals are contarcted out, it is so full of radiation that they can not prepare food there and there's too many civilian witnesses, with catering staff on site.
Does the USA Government wish us belive that this Emergency housing with the barbed wire, soldiers, guns etc and why don't they have a little shop. See Doctor who - New Earth with David Tennant. Cat Nurse Nuns eh? They don't seem to be giving them mnay outings outside the camps do they?
Look at Wikipedia - for repeat torture and what torture is defined as and Box torture and know that their 'friend' told on the enemy.
Babs Rogers