All of what takes place in Hollywood/Nasa/Disney nests and now Globally.. was hatched from "the birdmen.." the Avirary as they are called..Departement of Defense Jason Program Scientists and their children and hatchlings... they also have a non for profit corp.. hidden.. called "The Mitre Coportation" that funds all the torture programs- IE Virtual Sexual Reality at Stanford by horrible doctors who obtain millions a year for tortrure research.. Dr. Jeremy Balliston at Stanford University.. obtains massive cash from corp. Also UC Santa Barbara near LA.. is where much research in torture is done as well as Harvard, University of Michigan, Texas A&M, UC Davis, Berekley. Follow the Mitre MONEY trail.. to the torture.. follow the bird eggs..Global Torture by "The Aviary" aka Dept of Defense Jason Program AKA "The Mitre Corporation" http://www.mitre.org Aviary in Order of Codename:BLUEJAY - Dr Chris Green - CIA.CHICKADEE - Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones - psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIACONDOR - Capt. Bob Collins, USAFHAWK - Ernie KellerstrausFALCON - Sgt. Richard "Dick" DotyMORNINGDOVE - UnnamedOWL - Dr Harold Puthoff – Parapsychologist, Ex NSAPARTRIDGE - Jacques Vallee, PhDPELICAN - Ron Pandolphi – Physicist CIAPENGUIN - John Alexander - Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-techRAVEN - Dr Jack Vorona – DIA DoDSEAGULL - Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.SPARROW - William Moore, USAFThe Aviary in order of real name:COL. JOHN B. ALEXANDER - PenguinCAPT. BOB COLLINS - CondorSGT. RICHARD "DICK" DOTY - FalconDr. CHRISTOPHER GREEN - BluejayC.B. SCOTT JONES - Falcon or ChickadeeERNIE KELLERSTRAUS - HawkBRUCE MACCABEE - SeagullWILLIAM MOORE - SparrowRON PANDOLFI - PelicanDR. HAL PUTHOFF - OwlJACQUES VALEE - PartridgeJACK VORONA - RavenThe following are short profiles of the reported members of The Aviary.John Alexander (PENGUIN), Ph.D. in Thanatology [Death Sciences], Col. ("Ret."), U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), which is undoubtedly his military cover for the National Security Agency (NSA). He is a former Green Beret, and completed his Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, an expert in "out of body" experiences during near-death trauma.
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