Wots up Gods Grace? '1'. Sori to every1 for me to put the record straight once again. But this is clearly for only God's Grace's amusement! I myself will promise not to mention her name ever again. I will only choose to IGNORE. Due think she could do the same wiv me? Deeeep breath... Ahhhhh.. Ok. So on 22/4/16. I put a blog up on Peacepink "All we av2 do is focus!". So my very own guardian angel who sits on my left shoulder & sees all that i do on Peacepink. The Almighty God's Grace added a comment & asked me a Q. " Do you believe in God 'Carl'?". In which i did not reply to her. Then on 26/5/16. I blogged "Can perps tech/computer feel our crying emotion?" & in that blog I sed somewhere? 'From God above, its his way of protecting us. The inner us. He will always be there for us! Whether we realise it or not?'... In which again the Almighty God's Grace spoke "You stated accurately you didn't believe in a Christian God? Wot God are you preferring to? Its an extremely important question? Because if its not the 1 we believe in? Then I'm missing here something in your post? You can't suddenly be speaking about a God you stated quite confidently that you dnt believe in?"..... God's Grace its not an extremely important question at all. Its only 'you're' question wiv you're beliefs put to me!!! Arrragghh!!! ;s .... God's Grace your angels wings where clearly covering up you're eyes & ears when i blogged on 22/4/16 when i commented at 21.37pm wiv sumat like '& trust me. I believe in God!'. Whether that be God. He or She. Or Spirit. Or some kind of force. Energy. Something mor powerful than we can ever imagine?!!!. I certainly believe in God. In something!. I am God & God is me. Metaphorically speaking of course ;) . Something is within all of us. & we kno this because we feel it!... Now I'll put a question to God's Grace. God.He/She/Spirit/Force. Wotever you believe in? You av clearly commented in the past to unfortunately 1 of my blogs again wiv "God is in control of all of us!". Now I think you're wrong there. Because how can sum1 be in control of us? If your God giv you free will? Everyone on mother earth can do wot they want & go where they wanna. Is that right or wrong? If I'm writing this blog for you God's Grace. & u think its wrong? Then why is God still letn me write if he has control over us?. You see 'life' is all about choices we make. When we come to a crossroads? We can choose which road to take. We might take the wrong road. & it might be a difficult journey ahead. But that will make you become a stronger person inside. Through choice is who we become. I wud rather av a harder ride in life than an easier 1. I wana test my limits to the max! But everyone is different. We are tested everyday. & everyday we get up & get on wiv it. I'm being tested right now. My girlfriends mum is in hospital. She is certainly being tested but she has strength within I hope to get through her illness. Her kidneys are failing. I av2 be strong for her mum & strong for her daughter as well as staying strong myself. I've got sooo much strength & energy within me. It scares me! Even my perps are scared!! They think they cud just attack me 24/7 for the rest of my life? Watch me fail & fall in wotever I do. How wrong they all are. Ha. Perps are sooo weak minded. And I'm beating them & their tech wiv the 1 thing that works! MY MIND!!! I can think of anything & everything to use against their rf 'waves'. I can block anything my perps do to try to make me think differently?. To make me think on their terms!. Just by thinking to block their shit out! Soooo WORKS!!! Ha. Perps want us TI's to cry. Moan. Weaken our minds. They so want us to put the frightening frequency in us. The 1 when we jump & feel the knot in our stomachs. We start to shake & our palms sweat wiv the fear they put on us. I dnt get ANY of this no more! I'm prity much free of it all ;) & if you dnt use you're mind in a way you cant even begin to imagine? You will suffer in fear!