Wots up God's Grace? '2'. As I was saying God's Grace. You believe in God. My belief only is that God will av full control over us when we pass & be judged before him.... Now if God giv free will? Then he giv free will for us to believe in what we want?. To follow in wot matters in our life. Every life & every belief is different from the next human being. So let me just point out. Errr? Oh there's Rama & Krishna.. Hashem.. Allah.. Christ.. Ahura Mazda.. Quetalcoatl.. Biame.. Jupiter Optimus Maximus.. Zeus 'The Father Of The Gods'.. Breged 'The Mother Goddess'... That's to name just a few ;) .. Now which one is right or which one is wrong? The answer is it ONLY matters to the individual who follows their heart & wot they truly believe in!!!. I dnt care wot u find in my blogs? I dnt care wots in you'rs either. You sooo go out of your way to mention my name on Peacepink!. Wot due gain? Due fancy me? Am i the 1st 1 u think of when u wake up in the mornings. & the last 1 when you close you're eyes at nyte??? I mean really? No disrespect to you ;) . Wots up? Are u that weak minded & can't handle the perps tech they av on you. That the frustration u build up inside of you? U direct it at me!. All u got2 say it yes. & I'll understand. I dnt need to understand. But if it makes u feel better to av a dig at me? Go for it. Let a bit of anger out. Why do u care so much in nit pickn my posts?. Your the only 1 that does this? I thought u agreed not to comment ever again? Oh well. You keep up the good work God's Grace & take care! For this is truly a goodbye from me to you. Dnt bover commenting nomore to my blogs as I will delete the lot! & not approve a single 1 ;) Phew!! Now its back to calm Ahhh. So. Its time for the intelligence side to take over. So i'll finish wiv a few quotes! That's if nobody doesn't mind? "Cough cough" ... "My words will attract a strong mind or offend a weaker one"... "I refuse to entertain negativity. Life is too big & time is too short to get caught up in empty drama"... "You're opinion is not my reality"... "The Lion does not turn around when a small dog barks!"... "I will ignore you sooo hard. You will start to doubt you're own existence!"... "Just remember when I'm ignoring you? I'm teaching you to live without me"... " Weak people seek revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people IGNORE!"... Which 1 are you God's Grace??? ;) To all TI's take cares! ;)
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