Not everyone experiences the same form of torture, or from the same sources. So, this applies to those who are mainly harassed and tormented/tortured 24/7/365 by clueless minions who are experimenting and looking to you for feedback to see what tactics work and what does not.
I've been GS'd for 15 years. There is not a room in my home which is not bugged, and that includes GPS trackers on my vehicles. Some of the tactics and equipment used on me have been uncomfortable, detrimental and downright painful. WITHOUT exception, I've found that if I can suffer through the current tactic* w/o giving ANY feedback (verbal or visual), the perps eventually change tactics. Of every 20 tactics tried, usually only one is "almost" intolerable. It is a horrible cross to bear, especially silently. But, you have to ask yourself if it's worth more to curse and swear at them (feedback which will sadly only provide perps w/more entertainment and feedback), or suffer in silence and make them think that what they are doing is having no effect.
Perps/bullies need reinforcement. To get power, they MUST have positive reinforcement that what they are doing is working. You may not be able to stop them, but you certainly can outsmart them by refusing to respond in the way they need you to.
I sincerely hope my experiences and advice will help at least one tortured TI.
* if the tactic is detrimental, obviously take steps to protect yourself; incorporate your protection in your life, then continue as before w/o missing a beat
GIVE THEM N-O-T-H-I-N-G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!