Dr. Hanrick Eldeman Homeland Securtiy-- Why has someone who made a torture computer been hired to work inside the USA?Above is a picture of where the Supercomputer that tortures and controls the world is located. It is called "Lilith" and is in Belgium in the Common Market. It must be unplugged and dismantled. UN inspectors need to be allowed in and make sure it is turned off and dismantled in order to comply with Article 1 of the 1975 Declaration against torture. Elekronical Accounting Surveying Terminal (Lilith or BEAST) is a picture of where the Supercomputer that tortures and controls the world is located. It is called "Lilith" and is in Belgium in the Common Market. It must be unplugged and dismantled. UN inspectors need to be allowed in and make sure it is turned off and dismantled in order to comply with Article 1 of the 1975 Declaration against torture.Dr. Hanrick Eldeman will be guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity unless he allows it to be turned off.Dr. Hanrick Eldeman, Chief Analyst of the Common Market Confederacy in Brussels, has revealed that a computerized restoration plan is already under way to straighten out world chaos. A crisis meeting in early 1974 brought together Common Market leaders, advisers and scientists at which time Dr. Eldeman unveiled "the Beast". They named it LilithLilith is a gigantic three story computer located in the administrative building of the headquarters of the Common Market.That monster is a self-programming computer that has more than one hundred sources distributing entries. Experts in programming have perfected a plan that will handle by computer all of the world's trade.This master plan would imply a system of digital enumeration of each human being of the earth. Thus the computer would give each inhabitant of the world a number to be used for each purchase or sale, removing the problem of present credit cards. This number would be invisibly tatooed by laser, either on the forehead or on the back of the hand. This would establish a walking credit card system. And the number could be seen only through infrared scanners, installed in special verification counters or in business places.Dr.Eldeman pointed out that by using three entries of six digits each, every inhabitant of the world would be given a distinct credit card number.EVIDENCE OF THE TORTURE DONE TO THE;wells;wells custodiet ipsos costo?Latin:Who watches the watchmen?The supercomputer now controls people as well as financial systems. The algorythem is to take the finances of people and then destroy the human beings. There are two lists.. one red list and one blue list... Google "Red List of Death" This list is some sort of list that put human beings on a destruction list. IT is the past administration that has done this.. Bush admin.. and the list is still in place. There is also a Blue List.. the ones that implement the destruction of the Red list. At come point the blue list "robots" will be put on the red list and destroyed as well. Then there is the yellow list.. those are the ones that will remain-WE MUST HAVE THE RED LIST EXPOSED AND BLUE LIST IN ORDER TO STOP THIS...I do believe the US has lost as many as 120,000,000 people so far.. estimates are as few as 54,000,000 and some estimates are over 160,000,000The USA today should have 330,000,000 people... there are not that many in the USA today and that is why the housing market failed and that is why banks have failed.Dr Lynn Surgalla has said it is CRITICAL the satellites be destroyed now.. CRITICALYes I do believe that those who sign pettitions to put GWB behind bars are being mined as you speak-But you must understand Bush Sr and Bush JR and carl rove still run the world through the supercomputer.. as well as Henry Kissenger and David rockerfeller.........
that's really bad. stupid calling it 'lilith' -- that will backfire on them in time...
it seems like it could be somehow related to HAARP and Operation Blue Beam coordination.
as to the answer to your question: Nazi sympathysers found influence as the second world war ended.
then they were brought into the United States in a recently declassified act known as OPERATION PAPERCLIP...obviously they WANTED technology that could force large numbers of people to "just follow orders."
this is bad.
The land of the free the brave the enslaved
Strange how in the land of the free
we must seek a way to flee
What was so true not long ago
Has been turned around and made to go
The time of freedom, the time of truth,
causes so many to flee them, and is uncouth
In a land of the free
In a land of the brave
We try to check
we try to balance
But the scale is tipped
and has been ripped
from the hands of justice
our rights are removed
The nation most powerful
has not one in the watch tower
To say sorry is good
to forget and do what we should
Remember the peace?
Remember the kind
An American Friend
is not so far behind
Forget the past
Forget the present
Remember the future
It is not gone
The present is gone..
lasts only a moment
All is forgotton
as soon as it's over
This terrible time
this terrible war.
Ron Angell
it seems like it could be somehow related to HAARP and Operation Blue Beam coordination.
as to the answer to your question: Nazi sympathysers found influence as the second world war ended.
then they were brought into the United States in a recently declassified act known as OPERATION PAPERCLIP...obviously they WANTED technology that could force large numbers of people to "just follow orders."
this is bad.