oh wow e omg omg omg
i sent that letter to the queen and had a nurse come round as was told to by forensic threat squad
i gave her piece of my mind and she said tey are not saying i am a threat but concerned~yeah right!!!!
its police apparently invoved with reading the queens messages and also her mail apparently~ no suprise and looked it up its also department of defence
amazing you do this and told her i will not be labelled ever
she asked bout the courts and what i will do and said i do not wish to share what i will be doing with anyone
i also asked for the letter from the forensic threat squad as want a copy and it smy rights to have one even if it means writing and she will let me know but said i am right
remember anything you want if you ask your goverment about most things its within your rights and like i say if you dont know you wont ask~so great ppl ask for information and your entitled to ask
i am a targetted individual who will fight till we are all free from this illegal torture
love and warmest wishes
stay safe and be strong!!!!
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