
俄罗斯联邦议会关于禁止信息及心理生理武器法律草案的决定《关于对联邦法律On weapon第六条增加修正案的联邦法律草案的决议》国家杜马安全委员会审议关于对联邦法律Onweapon第六条增加修正案的联邦法律草案后决定:1,建议国家杜马接受关于对联邦法律On weapon第六条增加修正案的联邦法律草案的一读。2,由国家杜马副议长Iliukhin VictorIvanovitsch依照法律草案工作规则为该法律草案任命第二位发言人。3,发送决议,草案文本及相关文件到国家杜马,以使该法律草案能列入2000年12月20日举行的国家杜马全体会议。委员会主席:A. I. Gurov9­ 1053 CN Sunday, 25 September 2000,17:36 Page No. 1(1)决议:这个法律草案建议对联邦法律On weapon第六条增加修正案以禁止这些武器或设备在俄罗斯联邦的公民及军队中的流通:其攻击作用基于电磁辐射,超声和次声波。当代科技的成就使信息及心理生理技术的发展成为可能。基于这些技术出现了秘密,远程影响个体或某个群体的心理和生理的方法和手段。存在着许多可靠的方法来改变人的思维能力,操纵人的行为,干扰合理反应,或人为制造出依赖症状。听觉-视觉影响是通过听觉或视觉通路实现的:微弱的低于域限的刺激是无法有意识知觉到的,但它们却能够被导入深层潜意识,并且在当事人无法察觉到其存在的情况下将他的思想和行为导向事先确定的方向。100Hertz以上的超声波是人无法知觉到的,其热效应和机械效应通过对人神经系统的作用,可导致头痛,困倦,视力下降,呼吸困难,甚至行为失控或失去意识。低强度(120分贝左右)的次声波(低于16Hz)能引起恶心,耳鸣,视力下降,以及泛化的恐惧。中等强度(低于130分贝)破坏消化系统和大脑,引起瘫痪甚至失明。高于130分贝的次声波可以止息个体的心脏活动。微波辐射导致对现实的错误知觉,疲劳,困倦,头痛,可损害心脏,大脑,中枢神经系统。电话线,供热和污水管道,电视,火险警报可被用做传导天线。实际上世界各国都优先考虑秘密影响人类心理的项目,并将其看作21世纪最重要的技术。发达国家将在地区冲突中优先考虑使用非致命武器写入他们的军事学说,这将在赢得胜利的同时不仅使自己的士兵伤亡减至最小,而且也使敌方的人员损失是最少的。美国在北约框架中发起了一个特殊的小组以致力于研究具有非致命效果的武器的未来使用,并且协调在英国,法国,德国和丹麦所进行的这个领域的工作。德国法兰克福的Institute of Chemical Technologies所制造的发生器是计划用于群体混乱中的大量人群。法国最新研制设备的辐射不仅能够穿透混凝土和钢板,而且能够很快摧毁它们。根据媒体的信息,英国1995年在北爱尔兰进行了用于驱散人群的非致命武器的实战测试。还有事实表明1999年在南斯拉夫电磁武器曾被使用来对付普通公民。制造进攻性的次声波设备被宣布在美国的非致命武器研究中占有优先地位。根据武器专家评价,美国军方能够使用无人非致命微波发射设备将载有登陆部队的敌方舰艇阻止在离海岸线数百米以外。根据the Stockholm International Instituteof World Problems (SIPRI)的估计,在未来两年美国用于发展和购买非致命武器的开支将超过10亿美元。现在的联邦法律On Weapons仅仅禁止俄罗斯联邦的公民和军队中流通其进攻性基于放射性和生物因素的武器。这个法律没有考虑到信息及心理生理技术的发展,其使用将可暗中影响人的心理和生理。这使得俄罗斯议会可引入相应的对联邦法律On Weapons的修正案。这个修正案不会影响现有法律的结构,并完全符合其一般目的---保护生命和公民健康,确保公共安全。基于此我们建议由Krasnojarsk地区议会提出关于对联邦法律On weapon第六条增加修正案的联邦法律草案提交一读。委员会主席:A. I. Gurov附原文:First of the Three Duma Readings(i.e. revisions) of AddendumSigned into Law by V. Putin in 2001Please see 2005 update: http://mindjustice.org/russ9-05.htm#1The third reading by the Duma of this Addendum was signed into law by V. Putin in 2001.Thanks to Emilia Cherkova for sending this Nov. 2000 first Duma reading of the addendum. Translation by Ramon Ruelas.?/P>Mind Justice Home Page?/P>Federal Assembly --Parliament of the Russian FederationGovermental DumaCommittee on SafetyResolutionFrom the 30th of November of the year 2000 No. 28/3Regarding the draft of the Federal Law"About the submission of addendum to Article 6 of the Federal Law "About weapons"Having examined the draft of the Federal law "About the Submission of addendum to Article 6 of the Federal law "About Weapons", The Committee of the Governmental Duma for Safety has ruled:To recommend that the Governmental Duma adopt the draft of the Federal law "About the submission of addendum to Article 6 of the Federal Law "About weapons" in the first reading.To appoint a second speaker in accordance with the directiveon law-drafting from the deputy of the Governmental Duma [Iljukhin] Victor Ivanovich.To authorize the actual Resolution with the text of the [law-drafting] and all of its supporting documents in the Soviet Governmental Duma, for inclusion in the [law- drafts] of the day's plenary meeting of the Governmental Duma for the 20th of December of the year 2000.Committee RepresentativeA.I. Gurov9­ 1053 CN Sunday, 25 September 2000, 17:36 Page No. 1(1)?/P>ResolutionThe Law-draft proposes an addendum to Article 6 of the Federal law "About Weapons" status, in accordance with which, in the territory of the Russian Federation, is prohibited the circulation in a civilian capacity and military, weapons and other objects, the offensive [attack] operations of which are based on the use of electro-magnetic radiation, infra-sonic radiation and ultra-sonic radiation.The achievements of contemporary science and technically predetermined informational and psychological technologies allow for the creation of means and methods of secret, remote influencing on the psyches and physiology of a person or of a group of people.There exists a wide spectre [range] of devices with capabilities of guaranteeing the alteration of the mental capacities of a person, to program his behavior, to breakdown adequate reactions and to artificially foster symptoms of dependency.Audio-visual influencing is accomplished through auditory or optical channels, when very weak, low-threshholds of irritation, which are not consciously perceived, are instilled deeply into the subconsciousness and imperceptibly orients the thinking and behavior of a person in an predetermined fashion.With the aid of ultra-sonics, [devices {not legible}] or mechanical influences of [expansive] frequencies greater than 100 Hz, not noticed by a person, exert influences on the mental structures and nervous system, resulting in pain in the head, dizziness, a deterioration of the vision and of breathing [functions], and convulsions which can lead to the loss of consciousness.The use of infra-sonic (very low-frequency, lower than 16 Hz) of a low intensity (of about 120 decibels) causes nausea, ringing in the ears, a deterioration of the vision, and generalized suffering. The sonic [sounds{effects}] of medium intensity (up to 130 decibels) break down the organs of digestion and the brain, resulting in paralysis and sometimes blindness. The effects of infra-sonics of an intensity of 130 decibels and higher can cause in the subject the stoppage of the heart.Under the influence of ultra-high frequency radiation, there appears a breakdown in the interpretation of reality, weariness, dizziness, head pains; and the heart, the brain and the central nervous system can also be damaged. In the capacity of an [transmitive{as opposed to receptive}] antenna, for the transmission of such waves can be used telephonic equipment [devices], heating and sewer pipes, televisions, and fire-prevention [pipe/water supply systems{not legible}].In practically the entire world, work on "methods of hidden influencing on the psyches of humans" are considered a [high] priority and enter into the roll of the most important technologies of the XXI century. The [intelligence agencies] of government insert into their military doctrines articles about the priority of the application on the front lines -in regional conflicts -of non-lethal weapons which allow for the attainment of victory with the least amount of losses, not only among its own troops, but also among the troops of the opposition.At the initiative of the USA, within the framework of NATO, there was created a special workers group for the perspective use of devices of non-lethal effects for the coordination of [developments/breakthroughs] conducted in this field in Great Britain, France, Germany and Denmark. Generators were created in Frankfurt Institute for Chemical Technologies (Germany), intended for the treatment [dealing with/management] of large crowds in conditions of mass disorder. The transmissions of the latest French [devices{not legible}] are capable of not only penetrating through concrete and armour (plating), but also they can very quickly break them down. According to reports in means of mass information, the British army, in the year 1995, conducted in Northern Ireland field [real-time] testing of non-lethal weapons for dispersal of crowds. There are also available facts regarding the application of electro-magnetic weapons against subjects in Yugoslavia in the year 1999.The creation of infra-sonic devices of [attack] was declared a priority in the USA, among all of the developments [in the field of] non-lethal weapons. According to the evaluation of military specialists, the American army, with the aid of un-manned, lethal devices, is capable -with the aid of a SVCh. (ultra-high frequency) generator --of stopping -at a distance of several hundred meters from shore, an enemy ship of a sea landing force. According to the appraisal of the Stockholm International Insitute of World Problems (SIPRI), in the next two years, expenditures in the USA for the development and purchase of non-lethal weapons will exceed a billion dollars.At the present time, through the Federal law "About Weapons," is it forbidden within the territory of the Russian Federation, in a civilian capacity and armed services, the circulation of weapons and other objects, the offensive operations of which are based only on the uses of radioactive radiation and biological factors, but they do not account for the development of informational and psychological technologies, the applications of which enable hidden influencing on the psyches and physiologies of people. This led to, in the Russian Congress, the possibility of the addendum to the Federal law "About Weapons," which bear the aforementioned characteristics. This does not [weaken] the structure of the existing laws and is completely in keeping with its basic direction --the preservation [defense] of the lives of and the health of citizens and in guaranteeing public safety.On the basis of the included, it is proposed that the draft of the Federal law "About the submission of addendum to Article 6 of the Federal Law "About weapons," introduced by the Assembly of the Krasnojarskii region, be adopted in the first reading.Committee RepresentativeA.I. Gurov中文译文地址:http://mindcontrol.68ab.com/dumasecurity.htm引用地址: http://mindjustice.org/1-02-6.htm中文译文网址http://mindcontrol.68ab.com/dumasecurity.htmhttp://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a85cc42010006xv.html
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